Center for the Analysis of Sustainable Agro-ecological Systems

PhD in Science 2000 - Research at University of California at Berkeley/ diploma from Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium MA in Philosophy of Science, UCL, Belgium, 1996 Master in Ethics, JSTB,Berkeley, USA 2004.

Andrew GutierrezResearch Interests: Agro-ecosystems analysis, IPM-biological control, population ecology, carnivore-plant-herbivore interactions, tritrophic modeling, GIS, transgenic crops; Ethics and Culture, Social Ethics, Globalization, Environmental Ethics.

Languages: French, Dutch, English, and rudimentary Spanish and Italian.

Relevant Experience : Research Fellow, University of California at Berkeley, ESPM. Work on a general ecological model using the Gutierrez-Baumgartner model, in C++ and using MATHLAB.

Partial List of Honors & Awards: Ph. D. with Highest Honors; GIS prize University of California at Berkeley.

Refereed Publications:

d'Oultremont, T. and A.P. Gutierrez (2002). A multitrophic model of a rice-fish agroecosystem: II. Linking the flooded rice-fishpond systems, Ecological Modelling 155 (2-3):159 - 176.

Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, Luigi Ponti, C.K. Ellis and Thibaud d’Oultremont (2006). Analysis of climate effects on agricultural systems: A report to the Governor of California. Link.

Gutierrez, A.P., C.K. Ellis, T. d’Oultremont and Luigi Ponti. 2006. Climatic limits of pink bollworm in Arizona and California: effects of climate warming. Acta Oecologica 30: 353-364.

Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, Luigi Ponti, C. Ken Ellis and Thibaud d’Oultremont (2008) Climatic Change Effects on tritrophic systems. Climatic Change 87: 167-192