Pyroxenes (and amphiboles), Tourmaline, & Garnet
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Garnet |
Pyroxenes (and Amphiboles) |
What are they?
Where are they found?
Varieties, etc. |
What are pyroxenes?
silicate minerals
simplest formula: MgSiO3.
silica tetrahedra form single
not resistant to physical and chemical processes at the Earth's surface
break down to clay !!
(found in alluvial deposits ???)
even more
facinating information on pyroxenes and amphiboles
Hardness 6.5 - 7.0
S.G.: 3.18
Their cleavages are at 90 degrees!
a movie on a pyroxene I-beam structure!
Where are they found?
Pyroxenes are found in many rocks, often those crystallized from a melt
(sometimes in metamorphic rocks)
it may constitute ~ 100 % of some rocks
but it's not as common in rocks in the Earth's crust as feldspars
or Kunzite
a Lithium (Li)-bearing pyroxene
(Li is the lightest metal)
color is light pink / purple
some crystals are very large: Etta Mine in South Dakota mined a crystal
that was 47' long and 90 tons! But gems are usually smaller.
usually found in pegmatites
irradiation causes them to go to yellow - green (unstable color)
(Calcic magnesian monoclinc pyroxene)
a movie on a diopside structure! |
(Calcic clinopyroxene)
is another common pyroxene, whose composition is similar to diopside.
often used for carvings
sometimes jade is not actually jadeite but a mineral known as nephrite,
which is an amphibole
sodium (Na) - Aluminum (Al) silicate
H= 6.5-7.0
S.G.: 3.4
almost never found as large crystals !
the color is due to the presence of Cr+++ - deep
green color
formed by high
pressure metamorphism of Na-rich rocks
famous localities include North Burma, Guatemala, Japan
nephrite is an amphibole not a pyroxene
unlike pyroxenes, amphiboles are HYDROUS minerals (contain hydrogen)
Used for carvings in places like China (for more than 2000 yrs) and Central
America (over 7000 yrs)
Cleavages are at 60 degrees (not apparent in massive varieties)
Composition: calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg) silicate
Green color is due to Fe
Hardness 6-6.5
harder than steel, thus used in neolithic tools
S.G.: 2.95
"New Jade" = serpentine H = 5.5-6.0, S.G. = 2.5
"Styrian Jade" = chlorite
What is tourmaline?
Where is it found?
Other neat facts |
What is tourmaline?
Tourmaline is a complex Boron (B) bearing mineral
Note that the ends
of tourmaline crystals have different shapes.
Tourmaline has some interesting properties: it's pyroelectric and piezoelectric:
crystal + heat - develops charge:
Causes crystals to collect dust in display cases
apply pressure to opposite ends of the crystal - develops charge at opposite
Note: This gemstone displays a tremendous rangeof
a movie on a tourmaline structure!
Where is it found?
normally found in pegmatites
and igneous and metamorphic rocks
Elba, Brazil, Ural Mountains, many US localities (inc. Wisconsin)
strongly pleochroic; strongest color seen along prism length
tourmalines are often
color zoned along length of prisms
you can also find cats
eye tourmaline
famous color zoning is known as "Watermelon
Synthesis: limited and generally unsatisfactory
Treatments: turn dark shades to a paler color using heat
gentle heat only otherwise crystals lose water and the structure is destroyed
heat makes crystals more brittle and facet junctions abrade
Irradiation: to produce popular pink
and red, sometimes yellow or orange
effect is probably due to change in oxidation state of Fe or Mn.
Chatoyant tourmaline:
the tubes are parallel to length and sometimes filled with oil or epoxy
What are garnets?
What are their compositions and characteristics?
Where are they found? |
What are garnets?
Garnets are silicate minerals with diverse compositions. All garnets have
almost identical atomic structures.
generalized chemical formula of garnets is X3Y2 (SiO4)3,
X indicating a divalent cation, such as iron(Fe2+), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium
(Ca2+) or manganese (Mn2+)
Y is a trivalent cation, such as aluminum (Al3+), iron (Fe3+), or chromium
The SiO4 indicates silica tetrahedrons--a silicon ion surrounded by four
oxygen ions.
The other atoms are packed between the tetrahedrons.
Garnets belong to the isometric crystal and commonly grown in a distinctive
developed crystal form is known as a dodecahedra
(triangular-shaped faces)
hardness: 6.5 - 7.5
S.G. 3.58 - 4.32
Because the atoms are tightly packed, garnets are relatively hard and
of R.I. vs. S.G. for Garnets
The structure is illustrated in this movie
Composition and names of varieties
All physical properties vary with composition.
There are two broad groups:
Ca-garnets and Al-garnets.
Ca + a bunch of stuff (Ugrandite)
Al + a bunch of stuff (Pyralspite)
Most have compositions that involve complex mixtures of cations
Because of the compositonal variability, garnets may have almost any color!
(= Cr-andradite): rare, vivid green garnet color (quite valuable)
colored by Cr / V (thus, Ca<Al,V) : it has more fire than diamond! (but
it's much softer)
sometimes chatoyant
may contain "horsetail" inclusions (mostly from Urals)
a green grossular
Spessartine and hessonite: orange colored garnets (Fe, Mn,Al)
hessonite is a variety of Grossular: green-yellow-brown
brown-red ("cape ruby")
Czechoslovakian source for much garnet used in 18th and 19th centuries
Uvarovite: emerald-green garnet
Rhodolite: purple
Malaia and color change garnets (V and Cr impurities)
purple, pink, and orange! garnets
Where are they found?
found in a wide variety of rocks - igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
Iron-rich almandine, the most common garnet, is widespread in metamorphic
rocks such as schists and gneisses and in granitic igneous rocks.
The magnesium garnet, favored by high pressures of formation, is found
in magnesium rich metamorphic rocks formed at great depth and may be an
important mineral in the mantle of the Earth.
Spessartine is found in manganese-rich gneisses and in coarse grained,
igneous rocks (pegmatites).
The ugrandites are rarer than the pyralspites.
Grossular, containing calcium and aluminum, is found in clay rich limestones
that have been metamorphosed to marble and in contact
metamorphic deposits, (skarns), formed when an igneous rock intrudes
and reacts with limestone.
The calcium-iron garnet andradite and the rare calcium-chromium garnet
uvarovite are also usually found in skarns.
also formed by regional metamorphism, especially of sedimentary rocks.
Other information:
Garnets have been prized as gems for over 5000 yrs.