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The following are a few helpful notes for saving time and headaches. Keep them in mind as you conduct your research.
A. Know WHAT to look for...not only WHERE.
B. Always check the bibliography, footnotes, and references sections in the back of books and articles to lead you to other books and articles.
C. Plot your own country's spider diagram as you go. Draw the directional influences and annotate arrows with your references as you identify important findings. Use a diagram for ideas/subjects to do further research on.
D. Utilize librarians. Ask for help! "How do I find...?" "Where do I find...?"
E. Use an outline. This will help to keep you focused on the issues and maintain a helpful flow.
F. Other points to keep in mind as you work:
1. What is the problem?
2. Who are all directly involved? Indirectly?
3. Where is the pressure point and who/what is driving it?
4. What alternative solutions have been tried and what could be tried?
5. Points stressed in class lectures
6. Analyzing the dynamics of any problem varies over time. In other words don't look at the situation as static over time.
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