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CD-ROM Databases Methodology Notes II

The following are a selected group of CD-ROM databases located throughout the UCB campus. These databases operate separate from the campus catalogs Melvyl and Gladis on individual personal computers. Each database specializes on providing information on a narrow subject. The type of information provided is generally in a catalog format listing articles from related journals. However, there are some CD-ROM databases that provide non-standard catalog information such as statistics, government filings, and more. Also, in many branch libraries new CD-ROM databases are becoming available all the time. Contact those branches whose holds are directly relevant to your research area for additional databases.

This handout lists CD-ROM databases in diminishing relevance. Some databases will have less relevance to your particular topic than others. So don't spend time on those that are not directly concentrated on your research. Each description is followed by the library in which that specific CD-ROM database is located. Directions on usage is generally provided at the computer. If you have questions or problems don't hesitate to ask for help.

Group I

These should provide a wealth of information on your topics. Be certain to utilize many or all of these.

AGRICOLA (1970-):

covers various fields of agriculture including agricultural economics, entomology, horticulture, nutrition, plant diseases, and soils. 90% of the indexed records describe journal articles and book chapters, and the remaining 10% describe monographs, series, microforms, audiovisuals, maps, and other types of materials. Together they provide worldwide coverage of the agricultural literature. The 1984 to present AGRICOLA files contain older state and U.S. material as well as current information because the older records are continually being added to the database. (Biosciences Library)

TREECD (1939-1991):

Covers all aspects of the ecology and management of natural plantation forests and agroforestry systems; pests, diseases and abiotic injuries of woody plants; biology and genetics of wood plants; wood properties; and the production, properties and marketing of forest products. TREECD includes all records from the journals Forestry Abstracts, Forest Pro- ducts Abstracts and Agroforestry Abstracts from their beginnings. The data- base provides international coverage of the forestry field. It references journals, monographs, conferences, theses, and annual reports. (Biosci. Library)


Indexes and provides full-text articles from newspapers and other periodicals published by the ethnic and minority press in the U.S. Includes English and Spanish-language search option. Covers 1992. Updated quarterly. (Check with Main Library Information Desk for location)


Indexes all publications of the United Nations' major bodies, including limited and restricted documents--as well as publications of related organizations such as the UN Development Programme, UN Environment Programme, and the UN Conference on Trade and Development. Covers 1990-present, quarterly updates. (Government Documents Library).


Indexes over 800 English-language legal journals and newspapers. Covers 1970-present; updated monthly. Often provides great factual background documents not easily found anywhere else. Information Access Company. (Law Library)


Indexes articles from over 353 journals in subjects such as area studies, political science, geography, sociology and psychology. Covers 1983-present; updated quarterly. Wilson. (Environmental Design Library)


Provides numerical and some textual information on U.S. publicly held corporations from documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Coverage: approximately 5 years of data; updated monthly. (Business/Social Sciences Library)


An international database on all aspects of marine, freshwater, and brackish environments. Subjects include biology, ecology, fisheries, aquaculture, oceanography, limnology, resources and commerce, biotechnology, marine technology and engineering, pollution, non-living resources (oil, gas, minerals, chemicals, energy),and marine meteorology and climatology. The database also covers the socio-economic and legal aspects of the aquatic sciences. ASFA citations and abstracts are drawn from journals, reports, monographs, dissertations, grey literature, and conference / meeting proceedings. (Biosciences Library)

Group II

These will also have strong relevance to your topics. However, these may be more specifically targeted and not yield as many results.


Compilation of 80 thousand documents and statistical tables from 15 Federal agencies containing foreign trade information. October 1990 to present. (Government Documents Library).


The CD-ROM version of Journal of Economic Literature and Index of Economic Articles. The database indexes and abstracts article citations from over 300 major journals, selected books and dissertations in the worldwide literature of economics. Coverage: indexes, 1969-present; abstracts, 1987- present. Updated quarterly. Silver Platter. (Business/Social Science)


Indexes 850 business and economics journals and provides 150-word abstracts of the articles. Coverage: latest 5 years; updated monthly. University Microfilms. (Business/Social Sciences Library)

PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service):

Indexes and abstracts articles, books and reports in the fields of public policy, economics, government, etc. Includes materials in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Covers 1972-present; updated quarterly. Online Computer Systems. (Check with Main Library Information Desk for location)


3 statistical databases are combined and contain records for publications issued by: Internat'l intergovernmental organizations (1938-), U.S. federal government (1973-), state governments, professional/trade associations, business/university/independent research organizations (1980-). --updated quarterly. (Government Documents Library)


Indexes & abstracts 450 journals; provides full- text for approximately 200 of them. Covers 1986-present for indexing and abstracts, 1989-present for full-text; updated monthly. University Microfilms. (Check with Main Library Information Desk for location)


focuses on 3 topics. The first is the impact of humans and technology on the environment which includes air, water, and noise pollution. The second topic is energy research & developments involving resource consumption and conservation, economics, and industrial applications of energy sources and technologies. The third topic highlights the sources, causes and effects of acid deposition. Natural resource management is also included. This database includes domestic and international journals, books academic and government reports and conference proceedings. (Biosciences Library)


Produced by the U.S. Geological Survey, this database indexes journal and report literature on water-related aspects of the life, physical and social sciences. Covers 1967-present; updated quarterly. (Water Resources Center Archives)

Group III

This final group will generally provide less productive results than the other two groups. Nevertheless, they may contain information useful to you. It is recommended to utilize those databases in the first two group fully before moving on to these.


Provides indexing and bibliographic information on more than 900,000 U.S. and foreign doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Includes abstracts for titles added after July, 1980. Corresponds to the print source Dissertation Abstracts International. Covers 1861-present; updated semi-annually. University Microfilms. (General Reference Service, Main Library)


From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, contains references to published material, unpublished reports and research in progress in the areas of environmental pollution, drug toxicity, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, teratogenesis, pesticides, occupational hazards, radiation and toxicological analysis. Coverage is worldwide, in all languages. Covers 1981-present; updated quarterly. Silver Platter. (Public Health Library)

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