ESPM 102D: Environmental Resource Policy
This class did double duty for me as part of my AOI (Env Management and Policy) as well as an American Culture’s (AC) class which is needed by everyone at Cal to graduate. It could even end up doing triple duty if I decide to pursue a Forestry Minor since you only need one other class (and this one qualifies) besides Forestry Summer Camp for a minor.
It was an interesting class discussing the history of resource use in America; topics included: land use, gentrification, suburban sprawl, National Parks, fire suppression, water, Native Americans, Environmental History (movements, John Muir and Gifford Pinchot, etc), environmental justice among others.
There is quite a bit of reading, anywhere from 50-100 pages per week which must be summarized in a few pages each week and turned in. This is a very helpful exercise though to help you retain the material and do well on exams of which there are 2--midterm and final--both of which Professor Kelly gives you a list of questions a week before, some of them are on the exam others are not.
There is also a group project that must be chosen at the beginning of the semester and then presented to the class at the end. Professor Kelly is charming and helpful, plus she’s a young PHD and quite spunky and fun, I really enjoyed her style. I received an A in this course, I definitely recommend the class.