Miriam Tsalyuk

Ph.D. Student

Office: Room 5048, Valley Life Science Building Phone: 510-643-1227
Mailing address:
137 Mulford Hall, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, Management, University of California at Berkeley, CA 94720-3114

Molecular Biology. Weizmann Institute of Science. Rehovot, Israel. 2005
B.S. Biology.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 2001


I am broadly interested in conservation biology of large herbivore mammals in semiarid environments of Africa. Specifically, how land use and resource management, especially of water, affect animal movement and distribution, population dynamics and land degradation.


Zaslaver, A., Mayo, AE., Rosenberg, R., Bashkin, P., Sberro, H., Tsalyuk, M., Surette, MG., Alon, U. (2004). Just-in-time transcription program in metabolic pathways. Nature Genetics: 36(5):486-91.