096 Farm Advisors (County Agents),
4-H Advisors and Home Economists

This group includes occupations concerned with informing and advising farmers, farm personnel, farm youth, homemakers, urban dwellers, and the general public in general the arts and techniques of farming, gardening, or homemaking, usually on the farm or in the home, in consultation, or in locally organized groups and meetings. Look up in phone book under Cooperative Extension. Also known as Agricultural Extension, this organization is part of the Land Grant College system.

096.121-010 COUNTY HOME-DEMONSTRATION AGENT (gov. ser.) county home economist; home agent; home-demonstration agent; home-extension agent.

Develops, organizes, and conducts programs for individuals family life: Lectures and demonstrates techniques in such subjects as nutrition, food safety and preservation, clothing, home management, home furnishing, and child care. May visits homes to advise families on problems, such as family budgeting. May organize and advise clubs; May assist in selecting and training leaders to guide group discussions and demonstrations. Writes leaflets and articles and talks over radio and television to disseminate information. Participates in community activities, such as judging at rural fairs and speaking before parent-teachers associations. May conduct applied research. May direct 4-H Program activities [FOUR-H-PROGRAM AGENT (education)].

096.121-014 HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.) consumer services consultant.

Organizes and conducts consumer education service or research program for equipment, food, textile, or utility company, utilizing principles of home economics: Advises homemakers in selection and utilization of household equipment, food, and clothing, and interprets homemakers' needs to manufacturers of household products. Writes advertising copy and articles of interest to homemakers, tests recipes, equipment, and new household products, conducts radio and television homemakers' programs, and performs other public relations and promotion work for business firms, newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations. Advises individuals and families on home management practices, such as budget planning, meal preparation, and energy conservation. Teaches improved homemaking practices to homemakers and youths through educational programs, demonstrations, discussions, and home visits. May engage in research in government, private industry, and colleges and universities to explore family relations or child development, develop new products for home, discover facts on food, nutrition, and test serviceability of new materials. May specialize in specific area of home economics and be designated EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.); FASHION CONSULTANT (profess. & kin.); HOME ECONOMIST, CONSUMER SERVICE (profess. & kin.); NUTRITIONIST (profess. & kin.); PRODUCT REPRESENTATIVE (profess. & kin.); RESEARCH-HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.); TEST-KITCHEN-HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.).

096.127-010 COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.) agricultural agent; county advisor; county agent; extension agent; extension-service agent; extension worker; farm adviser; farm agent.

Organizes and conducts education and applied research programs, to advise and instruct farmers and individuals engaged in agri-business: Collects, analyzes, and evaluates agricultural data; plans and develops techniques; and advises farmers to assist in solving problems, such as resource conservation, production, marketing, labor management, and marketing. Delivers information through one-on-one consultations, lectures, demonstrations, or mass media. Discusses extension program with representatives of commercial organizations, county government, and other groups to inform them of program services and to obtain their cooperation in encouraging use of services. Prepares activity, planning, and other reports and maintains program records. Prepares budget requests, or assists in their preparation. May supervise and coordinate activities of other county extension workers. May direct 4-H Club activities. May be designated by specific program assignment as AGRI-BUSINESS AGENT (gov. ser.); FARM-MANAGEMENT AGENT (gov. ser.); HORTICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.); LIVESTOCK AGENT (gov. ser.); RESOURCE AGENT (gov. ser.).

096.127-014 EXTENSION SERVICE SPECIALIST (gov. ser.) cooperative extension advisor specialist.

Instructs extension workers and develops specialized service activities in area of agriculture or home economics: Plans, develops, organizes, and evaluates training programs in subjects, such as home management, horticulture, and consumer information. Prepares leaflets, pamphlets, and other material for use as training aids. Conducts classes to train extension workers in specialized fields and in teaching techniques. Delivers lectures to commercial and community organizations and over radio and television to promote development of agricultural or domestic skills. Analyzes research data and plans activities to coordinate services with those offered by other departments, agencies, and organizations. May be designated according to field of specialization as AGRICULTURAL-EXTENSION SPECIALIST (gov. ser.); HOME ECONOMICS SPECIALIST (gov. ser.).

096.127-018 FEED AND FARM MANAGEMENT ADVISER (agric.; ret. tr.)

Instructs farmers and retail grain and feed-store customers in modern and scientific feed and farm management techniques: Discusses feeding problems for fowl, swine, cattle, and other livestock with farmers. Examines poultry or livestock and recommends medication and remedial measures to prevent spread of disease and to maintain healthy poultry or livestock. Advises and assists farmers in securing services of VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) for treating larger animals. Assists farmers in setting up cost and production records to determine most economical method of farm operation. May give lectures and demonstrations to farm groups. May take feed orders.

096.127-022 FOUR-H PROGRAM AGENT (education)

Organizes and directs educational projects and activities of 4-H program: Recruits and trains volunteer leaders to plan and guide 4-H program to meet needs and interests of individuals and community. Directs implementation of educational projects, such as sewing, woodworking, photography, and livestock raising. Conducts and applies research and creative activity. Procures, develops, distributes, and presents teaching materials, such as visual aids and literature for educational projects. Arranges for 4-H Clubs to exhibit or participate in events, such as county and state fairs and state 4-H Club events. Develops and maintains recognition and incentive program for members and leaders of 4-H Clubs. Promotes 4-H program outreach. May be designated as YOUTH AGENT (education).

096.161-010 HOME-SERVICE DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) director of home economics.

Plans, coordinates, and directs consumer education service or research program for equipment, food, or utility company to promote goodwill and sale of products or services: Studies and interprets data concerning consumer contacts to aid company in product development. Plans and organizes program to educate consumers in use of equipment, product, or service. Develops and plans methods of instruction and techniques of demonstrating principles of home economics, such as food preparation and equipment use, to community and school groups. Directs and coordinates testing of recipes and development of new uses for equipment or product. Instructs dealers, sales personnel, and other employees in home management practices and in operation and care of equipment. Contacts organizations, such as school, professional, and women's groups, to promote company product and services. Writes articles and plans preparation of instruction manuals, booklets on product uses, and other consumer publications. Advises on content and accuracy of sales promotional material, such as newspaper, radio, and television advertising copy.

096.167-010 DISTRICT EXTENSION SERVICE AGENT (gov. ser.) extension supervisor; regional extension service specialist.

Directs and coordinates activities of workers engaged in agricultural or home economics services of agricultural extension program within group of counties: Determines methods and procedures or services and assigns tasks to workers according to extension program policies. Examines county methods and procedures to evaluate content and effectiveness of services within district. Delivers lectures to groups, such as commercial and community organizations, and directs county extension workers to deliver lectures to publicize and promote extension services activities. Reviews personnel data and recommends personnel action, such as hiring and discharging workers and adjusting salaries. Prepares, or assists in preparing, activity and planning reports and directs county extension workers to prepare reports. May formulate or assist in formulating budget requests to obtain operating funds. May be designated according to field of specialization as DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.); DISTRICT HOME ECONOMICS AGENT (gov. ser.).


Directs and coordinates activities of extension service specialists and develops educational programs in agriculture

and home economics: Plans procedures and analyzes data for use by extension service specialist. Meets with specialists, volunteers, and other staff to discuss program problems and to disseminate information pertaining to practical applications of research findings in specific program areas. Coordinates activities of specialists to insure program goals are met. Recruits and hires workers for specialized extension program services, and plans, organizes, and conducts training programs for new employees. Prepares activity, planning, and other reports, and maintains service records. Prepares or assists in preparation of budget requests.

Adapted from US Department of Labor DOT for Dictionary of Agricultural Occupations

Dictionary of Agricultural Occupations

Send questions to: gebillikopf@ucdavis.edu

Gregorio Billikopf Encina
(209) 525-6800

15 November 2004