UC Berkeley UPMC About Us


The UC Berkeley Urban Pest Management Center (UPMC) was created to bring together a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the State that include entomologists, pest control professionals, architects, engineers, builders, and those interested in effective pest management schemes. The Center concentrates on understanding the natural biology, detection, management and prevention of our major urban insect pest species. Since many insect species have dual roles in nature, pestiferous and beneficial, Center activities strive for a balance in research, investigative, and outreach activities.

Click here for a printable pdf with information about the UPMC.

Mission Statement

To concentrate existing and to develop new information on urban insect pests and to facilitate solutions to the problems they may cause to be made available to a broad spectrum of stakeholders that include entomologists, pest control professionals, architects, engineers, builders and those interested in effective pest management schemes that are compatible with the urban environment.


Center Capabilities

The Center is located at the University of California Richmond Field Station (RFS) in Richmond, CA. The Center occupies a suite of offices (700ft²), three laboratories (1500ft²), and several large rooms available for conferences and training workshops. A field testing facility, the Villa Termiti (400ft²), is available for product testing, including detection devices and control methods. The Center also has extensive back-up support in an urban pest reprint collection, computerized data collection and retrieval systems, online access to libraries, insect collections and state-of-the-art detection equipment.