Cheryl Hojnowski

Cheryl Hojnowski

Ph.D. Alum
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Office: 45 Mulford Hall


B.A. Wellesley College, 2005




Research Interests

I am broadly interested in the impacts of human activities on wildlife behavior and species interactions, with a focus on large mammals. Prior to coming to Berkeley, I spent several years living and working in the Russian Far East, first as a Fulbright Fellow studying approaches to protected area management and then as a project manager and grant writer for the Wildlife Conservation Society. My time in Russia stirred my curiosity about the ways in which habitat transformation as well as human access influence behavior, distribution and abundance of predators and their prey. I hope to continue to explore these themes for my Ph.D. research, but in a new geographic region. Practically, I am interested in applying our knowledge of wildlife ecology in human-modified landscapes to guide both local- and regional-level conservation planning exercises, such as efforts to preserve functional landscape connectivity, prioritize areas for protection, and mitigate impacts of development and land-use change.


Hojnowski, C.E., Miquelle, D.G., Myslenkov, A.I., Strindberg, S., Smirnov, E.N., Goodrich, J.M. 2012. Why do Amur tigers maintain exclusive home ranges? Relating ungulate seasonal movements to tiger spatial organization in the Russian Far East. Journal of Zoology 287: 276-282.