Kendall Calhoun

Kendall Calhoun

Ph.D. Candidate
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Office: 210 Wellman



B.S. University of California, Berkeley, 2015



Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding the impacts of recent shifts in California’s fire regimes on native wildlife communities. Using a combination of biodiversity monitoring techniques I plan to observe the response and potential recovery of wildlife species to recent extreme fire events.

My current field work takes place in the Hopland Research and Extension Center, assessing the impacts of the 2018 River Fire on mammal and bird communities using camera traps, acoustic/ultrasonic monitors and GPS-tracking.

Before joining the Brashares group, I completed my B.S. in Molecular Environmental Biology. I worked on several ecology and evolution research projects including a study investigating convergent evolution and color change of a lizard species within the White Sands dessert of New Mexico.