44 1001 Goldstein, Allen Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management - University of California, Berkeley Tree Survey from 2003 to 2009 BLODGETT FOREST 1 1 2003 05 01 year 0 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 year, year of survey calendarday, Calendar Day of survey, YYMMDD julianday, Julian Day of survey in a given year, Pacific Standard Time ntrees, number of trees remaining in the survey circ, mean circumference, cm dbh, mean diameter at breast height, cm ht, mean height, m basal, basal area m^2/ha volume, projected volume, m^3/ha stem, stem surface, m^2/m^2 stembranch, stem+branch dry mass, g/m^2 LAI_tot, total 1-side projected LAI, m^2/m^2 LAI_oneyr, one year old needles LAI, m^2/m^2 LAI_twothreeyr, two and three year old neeldles LAI, m^2/m^2 drymass_tot, total leaf dry mass, g/m^2 drymass_oneyr, one year old leaf dry mass g/m^2 drymass_older, older (>1 yr) leaf dry mass g/m^2 0 12 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: 330 Hilgard Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720; email: ahg@berkeley.edu; +1 510 643 3788 PLATFORM: Tree survey LOCATION: Blodgett Forest, California INSTRUMENT_INFO: measuring tape for dbh, clinometer for height DATA_INFO: Reference = Xu et al. 2001, height and dbh measurements but the equations were modified after a destructive experiment on three trees done in 2003. The results are extrapolated from there UNCERTAINTY: See Xu et al 2001 DM_CONTACT_INFO: Jeong-Hoo Park; j-hpark@berkeley.edu; +1 510 643 6449 PROJECT_INFO: BEARPEX study 15-June to 31-July, 2009. Blodgett Forest Research Station, California, USA STIPULATIONS_OF_USE: FAIR USE applies; please contact the PI before using these data anticipate providing co-authorship as appropriate REVISION: R0 R0: No Comments this revision year calendarday julianday ntrees circ dbh ht basal volume stem stembranch LAI_tot LAI_oneyr LAI_twothreeyr drymass_tot drymass_oneyr drymass_older 2003 030501 121 127 37.79 12.03 4.684 9.583 52.86 0.0002447 2220 1.795 0.8391 0.9532 483.9 214.2 269.7 2004 040407 98 127 42.4 13.5 5.112 11.65 65.9 0.0003272 2768 2.103 0.9916 1.109 566.9 253.2 313.7 2005 050502 122 127 46.66 14.85 5.624 13.94 80.99 0.0004342 3402 2.418 1.15 1.266 651.7 293.6 358 2006 061030 303 127 53.63 17.07 7.358 18 108.7 0.0006512 4566 2.952 1.423 1.53 796.1 363.2 432.9 2007 071004 277 124 58.21 18.53 7.868 20.53 127.2 0.0008234 5341 3.247 1.577 1.673 875.9 402.7 473.2 2009 090717 198 123 64.24 20.45 8.741 24.61 157.1 0.001112 6599 3.725 1.828 1.904 1005 466.7 538.7