II. Data set fhc00.v1: This data set contains fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds measured between April 21 and November 1, 2000. All values are reported in mg carbon per square meter and hour under standard conditions (0 deg C and 1013 mbar). All compounds have been identified by retention time compared to addition of standards to real air samples. It is still possible that co-elutions of other unidentified compounds could affect the reported mixing ratios or fluxes (see MACR documentation). Calibration was carried out as described in the file readme_hc00v1.txt. All samples that contain standard additions have been set "NA". Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) Fluxes were calculated as the difference between updraft and downdraft mixing ratios times the standard deviation of the vertical wind speed during each half-hour measurement times the b-factor, calculated from simultaneous heat flux measurements. Differences between the chromatographic channels were adjusted for by a multi-step procedure as follows: 1. Mixing ratios of Methacrolein (MACR), a compound whose flux was assumed to be negligible, in up- and downdrafts were used to create a correction vector, the ratio between the down- and up-channel, similar to 1999. The vector was subsequently smoothed to account for MACRs own random variability. 2. The correction factor was adjusted during individual periods by linearly comparing it to the specific compounds own individual channel ratio as measured out of the deadband during calibration runs that did not contain that specific compound. 3. Downchannel data was multiplied by the correction vector before substracting it from the up-channel. 4. An extra column was attached to each flux vector. It contains a flag, which is "1" for flux data acquired during times when the interchannel ratio, after correction, was still outside statistical limits, generally designating an outlier (often >90 and <10% quantiles). 5. The monoterpenes alpha- and beta-pinene contain two flags each, whereby flag2 comprises ALL data that is potentially questionable. Compound description (numbering refers to column number): (precision is dominantly based on the precision of each mixing ratio measurement, while the minimum detectable flux - at the 90% level - is based on the compound's inter-channel ratio, i.e. the minimum detectable mixing ratio DIFFERENCE between the channels, not including outliers in the analysis) 1. "time": Day of year + decimal day fraction. Note that the time line is NOT based on local summer time (PDT), but on local standard time (Pacific Standard Time = PST); value is centered on the full hour. 2. "hour": Hour of measurement during that day in decimals; value is centered at 15 min after the full hour, the middle of the actual sampling interval. 3. "methanol": CH3OH, fluxes are calculated from the corrected methanol mixing ratios, and may therefore be underestimated as the correction is based on the acetone data of the same channel, and acetone does show a flux as well; minimum detectable flux: 0.04 mg C m-2 h-1 4. "flag_methanol": Flag for Menthanol, see point 4 under REA above. 5. "ethanol": C2H5OH, partially coeluting with benzene; minimum detctable flux: 0.03 mg C m-2 h-1 6. "flag_ethanol": Flag for ethanol, see point 4 under REA above. 7. "acetone": (CH3)2CO, most abundant ketone measured; minimum detectable flux: 0.03 mg C m-2 h-1 8. "flag_acetone": Flag for acetone, see point 4 under REA above. 9. "acetaldehyde": CH3CHO, most abundant alkanal measured; minimum detectable flux: 0.025 mg C m-2 h-1 10. "flag_acetaldehyde": Flag for acetaldehyde, see point 4 under REA above. 11. "Methylbutenol": MBO, C5H9OH, dominant local emission compound from ponderosa pine; minimum detectable flux: 0.01 mg C m-2 h-1 12. "flag_Methylbutenol": Flag for Methylbutenol, see point 4 under REA above. 13. "a-pinene": alpha-pinene, C10H16, monoterpene; emitted from ponderosa pine and other trees in the area; minimum detectable flux: <0.01 mg C m-2 h-1 14. "flag1_a-pinene": Flag1 for a-pinene, see point 4 under REA above. 15. "flag2_a-pinene": Flag2 for a-pinene, see point 5 under REA above. 16. "b-pinene": beta-pinene, C10H16, monoterpene; emitted mostly from ponderosa pine in the area; minimum detectable flux: <0.015 mg C m-2 h-1 17. "flag1_b-pinene": Flag1 for b-pinene, see point 4 under REA above. 18. "flag2_b-pinene": Flag2 for b-pinene, see point 5 under REA above. 19. "3-carene": Delta-3-carene, C10H16, monoterpene; emitted mostly from ponderosa pine in the area; Note that there was a systematic channel difference that rendered much of this data not useful; the remaining data still showed a rather poor inter-channel comparison; the minimum detectable flux was estimated to ~0.01 mg C m-2 h-1 20. "flag_3-carene": Flag for 3-carene, see point 4 under REA above.