Oakland city council member Dan Kalb (BS 1982, Conservation of Natural Resources) tackles global issues with local impact.
Spring 2017
Alumna Astrid Scholz (PhD 2001, Energy and Resources Group) seeks to disrupt the social-change industry with Sphaera Solutions.
Fall 2016
Alumna Christa Brown Campbell (BS 1995, Plant and Microbial Biology) takes over as CNR's new Alumni Association president.
Fall 2016
Bill Steele, BS ’83 Conservation and Resource Studies, and Barbara Steele, BS ’84 Political Economy and Industrial Society.
Winter 2016
Rebecca Shaw, MA ’92 Energy Resources Group, PhD ’97 ERG.
Winter 2016
Susan Gabbard, PhD '93 Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Spring 2015
Cheryl Forberg ’98 works behind the scenes at NBC’s "The Biggest Loser.
Spring 2015
Helene Dillard '77 takes the reins at Davis's College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences.
Fall 2014
As a major U.S. distributor of sustainably produced quinoa, Sergio Núñez De Arco is a champion of indigenous communities in his native Bolivia.
Spring 2014
Ayele Solomon is seeking a carbon-rights agreement that would be the biggest conservation project in Ethiopia.
Spring 2014
Carla Peterman, Ph.D. candidate, Energy & Resources Group
Fall 2013
David Brower ('09, BS, Conservation & Resource Studies) is truly a Next-Gen Environmentalist.
Spring 2013
Jennifer Harrower, '06, Genetics & Plant Biology
Spring 2013