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What is Beryl?
What varieties exist?
Flaws / cuts
Geographic sources
Treatments |
What is Beryl?
It's a silicate mineral with an unusual composition:
Beryl contains the element beryllium.
It is a ring silicate - the silicate tetrahedra are linked to form rings!
Beryl commonly grows as elongate
crystals with hexagonal cross sections.
See a movie on a beryl structure!
color: Green
another example of an emerald,
and another
and another emerald
emeralds can differ greatly in price
and size as a consequence of thier depth and color
due to presence of Chromium (Cr); pale green due to iron (Fe) impurities
that absorb red (transmit green) and fluoresce red
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Aquamarine is usually flawless. Next to emerald, it is the most highly
prized of the beryls.
color: pale
to medium
blue (Latin for sea water); Another example
of aquamarine.
Color is due to presence of iron (Fe) in two oxidation states (ferric and
ferrous) and the charge transfer between these ions.
Heat treatment involves conversion of ferric to ferrous iron.
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Heliodor (Golden
Beryl) ('present of the sun')
color due to presence of Fe-O charge transfer (and rarely, due to uranium)
rarity and value: rarer than aquamarine, but less valued
largest gem: 2054 ct (Smithsonian)
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Morganite (named after a mineral collector)
typically a soft pink / violet, rare peach and salmon
color due to the presence of manganese (Mn)
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color: red
due to the presence of manganese (Mn)
(named after Goshen, Massachusetts)
color: colorless
use: used in eyeglasses
color: deep blue, fades
involves irradiation effects and nitrate and carbonate groups in channels
in the structure.
of emerald are very brittle
most emeralds contain flaws:
(multiphase inclusions); may reveal geographic location
many emeralds are oiled, see below
cutting emerald: the
emerald cut
was developed specifically because emeralds are very prone to cracking
when knocked.
cut with table perpendicular to the length of crystal -> yellowish green
cut with table parallel to the length of the crystal -> bluish green
Other beryl gems
generally far more perfect than emerald
few cracks or inclusions
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Geologic and Geographic origin:
Geologic: requires source of the element Beryllium
Most famous: Colombian - from veins in shales and limestones
Ancient sources: Egypt (Cleopatra's emerald mines; 2000 B.C.); Austria
Other: Africa, Pakistan, Brazil, USSR
synthesized since 1848 (no facetable gems until 1934)
generally not economic to synthesize aquamarine etc.
3 common methods: (details not required for EPS2 students)
Catham (since 1940) and Gilson flux
Linde hydrothermal
Lechteitner hydrothermal overgrowth method.
Make sure you understand the meaning of "hydrothermal"!
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heat treatment
most aquamarines
in jewelry are heat treated because the natural blue color is pale
oiling : introduction of oils into fractures that intersect the surfaces
of faceted emeralds. This treatment makes the flaws less obvious and enhances
the general appearance of the stone.
The treatment or enhancement most commonly encountered is colorless
cedar oil. Colorless Canadian balsam, Opticon and other natural and synthetic
oils or resins are also in common use. Emeralds treated with these substances
are certified as"enhanced or treated".
Using green oil is considered dying. There are certain inferior quality
Indian, African, Brazilian, and possibly some Colombian emeralds which
do get dyed. It is a fairly common practice with low end beads made in
India (information provided by Jeffery Bergman,
For the FTC guidelines on treatment disclosure, click
Trivia |