Fall 2005 EPS 2 Gems and Gem Materials Email Repository



Emails are listed in reverse date order.


January 29, 2008

EPS2 students

If this is your first message from me, Welcome!

Please go to the website (http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~eps2/) and follow the links for studetnts. Pay particular attention to the "schedule".

If you are enrolled for 3 credits you will be participating in hands on activities (see the dates and topics for the labs on the schedule page). We did meet yesterday, but the main class meetings begin Monday, February 4th.


As you will see from the schedule, the first open book quiz is on February 8, 2008. Between now and then you should work through the two Module 1 lectures.

Also, please look at the instructions for the term paper. Although not due until the end of semester, this is an opportunity for you to delve into a topic in more detail. You may want to explore a few possible topics before choosing one. Ask first if you want to choose a topic not listed.

Please email me if you have questions.

Jill ------------------------------------------------------------

January 22, 2008

Welcome to EPS2!

This is a 2 or 3 credit Earth Science course designed for non-science majors

The 2 credit version is offered as an online course (with on site exams)

IMPORTANT: the 3 credit option has a hands on laboratory that will meet on Monday at 4 - 6 p.m. in McCone Hall, room 365, near the North Gate at Euclid and Hearst.

Please familarize yourself with the class website. All students are welcome to the introduction meeting on January 28, 2008.

See you then!

Jill Banfield

Jill Banfield (Prof.) (jill@seismo.berkeley.edu