Commercial Mineral Names

Not required material for students of EPS 2!

Commercial Name................... Mineral Name

Accabar ........................ Black Coral

Achirite ....................... Dioptase

African jade ................... Green grossular garnet

Almandine spinel ............... Natural purple spinel

Amazon jade .................... Green microcline feldspar

Arkansas diamond ............... Rock crystal

Atlas pearls ................... beads of white satin spar

Aztec stone .................... smithsonite

Beccarite ...................... green zircon

Bishop stone ................... amethyst

Black amber .................... jet/ anthracite

Black Jack ..................... Sphalerite

Canary stone ................... yellow carnelian

Canary diamond ................. yellow diamond

Cape chrysolite .................prehnite

Cape emerald ....................prehnite

Cape ruby ...................... pyrope garnet

Ceruline ....................... Calcite w/malachite/azurite

Cinnamon stone ................. hessonite garnet

Colorado ruby .................. pyrope garnet

Coral agate .................... agate pseudomorphous

Craquelees ..................... cracked rock crystal

Cross stone .................... staurolit twin crystals

Cymophane ...................... chrysoberyl cat's eye

Danburite ...................... used to describe synth red corundum

Daourite ....................... red tourmaline

Disthene ....................... kyanite

Ditroite ....................... sodalite

Dust pearls .................... seed pearls

Edinite ........................ prase

Egeran ......................... idocrase

Enhydrus ....................... chalcedony w/water inclusions

Eye stone ...................... thomsonite

Feather gypsum ................. satin spar

Flame spinel ................... spinel

Flash opal ..................... opal w/one color flash

Giogetto ....................... black pearl

Girasol ........................ fire opal

Goldfluss ...................... aventurine glass

Gold opal ...................... fire opal

Green starstone ................ chlorastrolite

Greenstone ..................... nephrite/chlorastrolite

Hawaiite ....................... peridot from Hawaii

Heliocite ...................... aventurine feldspar

Iceland agate .................. obsidian from Iceland

Imperial jade .................. jade from Burma

Inca stone ..................... pyrite

Indian jade .................... green aventurine quartz

Indian topaz ................... yellow sapphire

Jacinth ........................ red zircon & hessonite garnet

Jet ............................ black lignite

Jet stone ...................... black tourmaline / schorl

Kidney stone ................... nephrite

Korea jade ..................... almandine garnet

Lynx eye ....................... labradorite w/green ray

Lynx sapphire .................. iolite

Maiden pearl ................... untouched pearl in shell

Malacon ........................ brownish zircon

Manchurian jade ................ soapstone, talc

Maori stone .................... nephrite

Mexican onyx ................... stalagmitic calcite (cave)

Montana jet .................... obsidian

Montana ruby ................... red garnet

Nassau pearl ................... pink conch pearl

New Zealand greenstone ......... nephrite

Oriental alabaster ............. stalagmitic calcite

Oriental amethyst .............. violet sapphire

Oriental cat's eye ............. chrysoberyl catseye

Oriental topaz ................. yellow sapphire

Oriental emerald ............... green sapphire

Ox eye ......................... labradorite feldspar

Paris pearls ................... immitation pearls

Paste .......................... glass immitation

Pigeon blood agate ............. carnelian

Pink ice ....................... pink cubic zirconia

Pipe stone ..................... red siliceous clay

Prase opal ..................... stained green opal

Rainbow agate .................. iridescent agate

Red sea pearls ................. coral beads

River agate .................... water worn agate pebbles

River pearl .................... fresh water pearls

Rose kunzite ................... syn. pink sapphire or spinel

Rubicelle ...................... orange-red spinel

Rubolite ....................... red common opal

Ruby balas, ruby spinel ........ red spinel

Schmelye ....................... glass

Schnide ........................ blue glassy ordinary opal

Shell marble ................... lumachella

Starlite ....................... blue zircon

Star topaz ..................... yellow star sapphire

Trainite ....................... banded variscite

Transvaal jade ................. green grossularite

Vesuvian garnet ................ leucite

Vienna turquoise ............... imitation turquoise

Volcanic glass ................. obsidian

Wild pearl ..................... natural pearl

Yu ............................. jade

Zunite ......................... Arizona jasper

Zebra stone .................... layered jasper

This data from the compilation GEMSTONE