Exploring the Environment:
Research for Environmental Management
Kevin Kennedy, Tom Dudley, Caryl Waggett,
Donna Green and Astrid Scholz
May 2000
Research Seminar
Environmental Sciences Group Major
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720-2922
The feeding ecology of the invasive Chinese Mitten Crab, Eriocheir
sinensis: Implications for California's freshwater communities
Leah Rogers .................................................................................................................................................
[18 pp.]
Selenium speciation
in Salicornia bigelovii: Plant-mediated reduction of selenate for the
remediation of selenium contaminated soil
Anita Lee
[14 pp.]
Competitive interaction between Hedera
helix and native riparian vegetation
Terry Le and Debbie Sonu
[12 pp.]
Monitoring the water quality
of Sausal Creek, Oakland, Ca.: A comparative study on methods to detect urban
Sara Laurin
Ash ..........................................................................................................................................
[15 pp.]
Effects of organophosphate
pesticide pulses on benthic arthropods in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
McCutchan ....................................................................................................................................
[41 pp.]
Bioassessment of two
urban creeks in the Presidio
Bonnie Lee
[15 pp.]
Revegetation methods for
urban streams: The use of Salix laevigata and Populus fremontii
Nalini Rao
[13 pp.]
The effect of Eucalyptus
and oak leaf extracts on California native plants
Kam Watson
[10 pp.]
The effects of caging
Quercus agrifolia and Quercus lobata seedlings in Arastradero
Preserve, Palo Alto, California
Jackson Hong................................................................................................................................................
[12 pp.]
Resolutions to U.S.-Mexico
groundwater disputes in the Colorado River basin
Melissa Nichole
Brandt ..............................................................................................................................
[17 pp.]
Internal nutrient loading
in the Crystal Springs Reservoirs
Andy Parks
[15 pp.]
Analysis of nitrogen
sedimentation in the Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond System (AIWPS) at
Richmond Field Station, U.C. Berkeley
Clement Hsieh
[13 pp.]
Bioremediation by sulfate
reducing bacteria of acid mine drainage
Paul Frank
[13 pp.]
ISO 14001: A case
study in certification at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in Berkeley, California
E Godshall .......................................................................................................................................
[16 pp.]
Local government
and urban heat island mitigation
Anderson .........................................................................................................................................
[12 pp.]
Transit area designs
and funding requirements
Angela Imamura
[15 pp.]
Urban stormwater pollution:
An evaluation of public education programs in Alameda County
Leona Patel
[20 pp.]
Development of high-pressure
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) unit
Omar Mussa
[12 pp.]
Comparison of self-reported
attitudes toward the use of recycled paper and actual paper consumption behavior
at the University of California, Berkeley
Kankun (Nancy)
Yo .....................................................................................................................................
[24 pp.]
Analysis of institutional
controls at California Superfund sites
Erwin Tam
[14 pp.]
Dhokos and Dauri:
Tourism related firewood use in the Makalu-Barun area, Nepal
Bodhi Himal
Garrett ...................................................................................................................................
[29 pp.]
Study of BSK II
and BSK H media for culturing Lyme disease spirochetes
Polovinchik ......................................................................................................................................
[12 pp.]
Crystallization of
Myelin Basic Protein in the lipidic cubic phase
P. Aschoff Jr. ................................................................................................................................
[11 pp.]
Stress in the
medical profession: An evaluation of pre-medical students, medical students,
and doctors
Ravindranath .......................................................................................................................................
[13 pp.]
The examination of the
relation of organophosphate exposure to neurologic and neurobehavioral outcomes
in farmworker children
Harpreet Kaur
Malhi ....................................................................................................................................
[8 pp.]
Air pollutants and Bay
Area school children: Exposure and risks
Serena Chang
[15 pp.]
These studies were undertaken by seniors in the Environmental Sciences Group Major, an Interdisciplinary Studies program jointly administered by the College of Letters and Sciences and the College of Natural Resources at the University of California at Berkeley. The Environmental Sciences major allows students to concentrate in one of three fields of specialization: biological science, physical science, and social science. In their senior year, students in the major participate in a one- or two-semester Senior Research Seminar, investigating an environmental topic of current concern. This project gives the students experience in field work, general research techniques, and oral and written presentation of research results. This volume is the compilation of research reports from the spring/fall 1999 and the fall 1999/spring 2000 two-semester Senior Research Seminars, along with exceptional reports from the one-semester Seminar.
The following individuals and organizations have graciously assisted in providing information, guidance, and funding to the student researchers in our program this year, and we sincerely thank them.
Ryan Barth, Environmental Engineering, U.C. Berkeley
Lisa Bauer, Recycling Coordinator, U.C. Berkeley
Hugh Beattie, Bayer Corporation
Debbi Bellush, Bayer Corporation
Marc Beutel, Environmental Engineering, U.C. Berkeley
Dr. Naras Bhat, Cybernetix Medical Institute
Biology Fellows Program/ Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hendrik Bluhm, ALS, Lawrence Berk. Natl. Lab
CALFED Bay-Delta Program
Laura Castellini, SFSU, Dept. of Biology
Celleste Chatman, Xerox Business Services
Leslie Cianella, Bayer Corporation
Michael Cohen, the Pacific Institute
Karen Cotter, Arastradero Preserve, Palo Alto
Carla D’Antonio, Integrative Biol., UC Berkeley
Barbara Ertter, U.C. Jepson Herbarium
Christopher Foe, Central Valley RWQCB
Holly Forbes, U.C. Botanic Gardens
Lisa Gartland, Positive Energy
Dr. Robert Glaeser, MCB, U.C. Berkeley
Peter Gleick, the Pacific Institute
Dr. Ellen Gold, Inst. of Tox. and Env. Health, U.C. Davis
Lisa Hammon, West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee
Anne Hayes, Aquatic Outreach Institute
Karen Haubensack, Integrative Biol., UC Berkeley
David Hodge, MCB, U.C. Berkeley
Dr. Alex Horne, Environmental Engineering, U.C. Berkeley
Betty Hosteny, ERM CVS
Alfred Huan, ALS, Lawrence Berk. Natl. Lab
Jimmy Hauri, Environmental Engineering, U.C. Berkeley
Alejandra Huneeus, Boalt School of Law
Zahid Hussain, ALS, Lawrence Berk. Natl. Lab
Charles Jackson, Library Copying Service, U.C. Berkeley
Lisa Kermish, Survey Research Center, U.C. Berkeley
Doug Kern, SF Urban Watershed Project
James Kirchner, Geology & Geophysics, U.C. Berkeley
J. Kleinjan, ESPM, U.C. Berkeley
Kathy Kuivila, US Geological Survey
Amy Kyle, School of Public Health, U.C. Berkeley
Dr. Robert Lane, ESPM, U.C. Berkeley
Wendy Lama, the Mountain Institute
Dr. Zhiqing Lin, Terry Laboratory, Plant & Microbial Biol., U.C. Berkeley
Andy Lincoff, EPA Region 9, Richmond Lab
Adam Love, Environmental Engineering, U.C. Berkeley
Sarah Lowe, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Tryg Lundquist, Applied Algae Research Group, Richmond Field Station
Yair Lurie, Cybernetix Medical Institute
Thomas Malott, Bayer Corporation
Robert McCarthy, Survey Research Center, U.C. Berkeley
Robert W. Meyer, US Geological Survey
Merete Miles, Baxter Corporation
Rick N. Oltmann, US Geological Survey
Frank Ogletree, ALS, Lawrence Berk. Natl. Lab
Pat O’Shay, CNR, U.C. Berkeley
Brian Peniston, the Mountain Institute
Dr. Ingrid Pickering, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab., Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Brian Pon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Vince Resh, ESPM, U.C. Berkeley
Ang Rita Sherpa, the Mountain Institute
Jeff Romm, ESPM, U.C. Berkeley
Barbara Rotz, U.C. Oxford Tract Greenhouse Facility
Deborah A. Rudnick, ESPM, U.C. Berkeley
Camille Russell, Utah Dept. of Community and Economic Developmement
Miquel Salmeron, ALS, Lawrence Berk. Natl. Lab
Anthony Sapora, ERM CVS
Joseph Sax, Boalt School of Law
Corrinne Semas, Bayer Corporation
Scott Siegfried, Bureau of Land Management, Tracy
Soren Simonsen, Cooper/Roberts Architects
Laura Simpson, Oakland Comm. and Econ. Dev. Agency
Kirk Smith, School of Public Health, U.C. Berkeley
Carol Snow, UGIS, U.C. Berkeley
Ray Stevens, Molec. & Cell Biol., U.C. Berkeley
Professor Norman Terry, Plant & Microbial Biol., U.C. Berkeley
Bruce Thompson, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Geoffrey Urland, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Amy Wagner, EPA Region 9, Richmond Lab
Don Weston, Integrative Biol., U.C. Berkeley
Arnetta Williams, Xerox Business Services
Alan Wolken, Richmond Redevelopment Agency
Marcia Woodby, Inst. of Tox. and Env. Health,U.C. Davis