Environmental Sciences Group Major, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720-2922
Patina Mendez & Kurt Spreyer
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi & Lucy Diekmann
Celia Chao
The Expression Pattern of endo-1,4-ß-glucanase in Arabidopsis thaliana
Eunice Lim
Genetic Variation and Evolution of the Perchlorate Reductase Operon
Andrew Tantisukarom
An In Silico Prediction of ER-alpha Agonism for Quats and Phthalates
Jimmy Chang
How U.S. Newspapers Frame the 2009 H1N1 Vaccine
Chelsea V. Preble
A Comparison of Pollutant Emissions from a Traditional and an Improved Cookstove
Roland Lee
Comparison of Changes in Intraocular Pressure and Anterior Chamber Before and After Cataract Surgery
Nina Yang
Fuel-Efficient Stoves: A Comparison of Berkeley-Darfur Stoves to Three-Stone Fires
Yuriko Kayama
Treatments of Severely Boron-Contaminated Soils for Phytorestoration
Jennifer Jehnsen
Effects on Artemisia annua Growth with the Addition of Gibberellic Acid, Salicylic Acid, and Methyl Jasmonate in Hydroponic Systems
Melina Corona
Germination Experiment of Lupinus bicolor and Lotus strigosus at Bodega Bay Marine Reserve
Bradley Kerr
The Effect of Fuel Manipulation Treatments on Giant Sequoia Growth Rate in Whitaker Forest
Linda Moon
UC Berkeley Outdoor Campus Recycling Bins: Can We do Better?
Lindsey Sanders
Algerian Ivy Removal Techniques along a Riparian Zone in Berkeley, California
Yuting Lam
Why Do UC Berkeley Students Waste Food at Dining Halls?
Christina Oatfield
Best Practices for Starting Sustainable Food Cooperatives in University Communities (Appendicies)
Kathryn Lynn Watson
The Influence of Size and Growth Rate on Outmigration Timing in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Smolts
Timothy Seung-chul Lee
Characterizing Mid-summer Ichthyoplankton Assemblage in Gulf of Alaska: Analyzing Density and Distribution Gradients across Continental Shelf
Mohammad-Amir Aghaee
Effects of Mediterranean dry year conditions on the survival of trematode-infected snails
Heather McNair
Asian Clams Corbicula flumina Contribution to Algal Growth in Lake Tahoe
Steven Ly
The Threat of Trematodes to the California Newt (Taricha torosa)
Angela Jean Cho
"Silence of the Bees": A Study of Scientific Representation in Media
Alison Hamaji
The Framing of Wilderness, Race, and Criminality in the Press Coverage of Illegal Marijuana Growth on California Public Lands
Katherine Faulkner
Community Choice Aggregation In California
Elaine Y. Chang
Social Workers and the Bracero Program: Working Within Migration Discourse and Conflicting Policy
Kaija Ollikainen
Do Children’s Emotions Toward Nature Change while Participating in the Oakland Based Urban Gardens Program?
Kevin Welzel
Urban Agriculture and Ecosystem Services: Pollination by Native Bee Communities in Berkeley, California
Angela Clapp
Assessing the Social Impacts on Urban Street Trees through the Built Environment in West Oakland, CA
Lisa Fleming
Food Insecurity in the Bay Area: An Analysis of Disparities of Food Access
Kevin Yeo
Cost Analysis of Membrane Bioreactors to Reverse Osmosis Filters
Jeannette Aames
Tree Stewardship Education and Urban Forest Management in Sacramento County, California
Nicole M. Crummett
The Effectiveness of Multifamily Dwelling Composting Programs in Alameda County
Joyce Tam
Cool Roofs in California
Rajmir Rai
The Impact of Water Conservation and Climate Change on Urban Water Demand
Paul Borokhov
DriveTracker: A Novel Traffic Surveillance Tool: Description and Comparison Against Current Methodologies
Kiran Sathaye
Atmopsheric Observance Satellites and Cloud Aerosol Effects
Nick Bojda
The Potential of Conservation Behavior: Modeling CO2 Emissions Reduction for California
Alex Valenti
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Operation and Maintenance of Northern California Golf Courses
These studies were undertaken by seniors in the Environmental Sciences Group Major, an Interdisciplinary Studies program jointly administered by the College of Letters and Sciences and the College of Natural Resources at the University of California at Berkeley. The Environmental Sciences major allows students to concentrate in one of three fields of specialization: biological science, physical science, and social science. In their senior year, students in the major participate in a two-semester Senior Research Seminar, investigating an environmental topic of current concern. This project gives the students experience in field work, general research techniques, and oral and written presentation of research results. This volume is the compilation of research reports from the Fall 2009 to Spring 2010 Senior Research Seminars.