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Thoreau House Site and Walden Pond Photos 2

Railroad Tracks of the Fitchburg Railroad, completed 1847, along south edge of Walden Pond

"The Fitchburg Railroad touches the pond about a hundred rods south of where I dwell." Thoreau, "Sounds," Walden (1854)

"I usually go to the village along its causeway, and am, as it were, related to society by this link." Thoreau, "Sounds," Walden (1854)

"In one direction from my house there was a colony of muskrats in the river meadows," Thoreau, "The Village," Walden (1854)

"Cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hardhack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants . . . entertain the earliest birds. . . ." "Spring," Walden (1854) 

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