The Chesapeake Bay Area
1590 - 1820
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2. Roanoke Colony, 1585
Colony off the coast of North Carolina.
Maps and cultural construction.
3. John White Sketches
In Thomas Harriot, Briefe and True Report of the New Found Landof
1590. Theodor de Bry engravings of sketches.
Culturally constructed representations of America.
Roanoke Island, off North Carolina: 1585-86 failed colony; 1587 "Lost Colony;"
Governor was John White.
1590, White returns to find colony deserted; Gone to "Croatoan."
4. Village of Secota, by John White
"Their ripe corn" (top) with guard house (pest control)
"Their green corn"
"Corn newly sprung"
River for fish (top center).
Hunting deer (top left).
Ceremonial Dance (right).
"Sitting at Meat" (center).
Campfire circle (lower left).
Tomb (bottom left).
5. Indians Fishing
"The Manner of their Fishing"
Four types of fishing:
Daytime fishing with dipnets and spears from canoe.
Night fishing with fire in canoe.
Weir across river mouth.
Spearing fish by wading.
Pelicans, swans, ducks flying.
Fish, sharks, horseshoe crabs (swimming).
Water and beach plants.
6. Amerigo Vespucci
Postmodern critique of Old World/New World binary oppositions.
Europe/America; male/female; hard/soft parent/child; written/visual.
Virginia, named for virgin queen. Virginia Dare, 1587.
Amerigo Vespucci voyages, 1497, 1504. "America."
America, Virginia: virgin land; Center to periphery.
Symbols: cross, astrolabe, sword, ship vs. hammock, loin cloth, spear,
7. Indian Harvest Dance
Reading the dance as a text: Western cultural construction of "frenzied,
exotic otherness."
Production: Corn, beans, squash complex.
Indians blowing conch shells; male identity.
Gift offerings to corn mothers; propitiation of corn spirit; pole represents
the corn ear.
All night dancing; dancers poised on pole.
8. Deer Hunt
Spiritual preparations to become like the deer; imitation (mimesis).
Subject to subject equality, face to face.
Deer trade: power of Indian in existing trade.
Both sides thought they had the best deal.
Clothing/food vs. leather for books, chamois, machine belts.
9. Chesapeake Settlement
Contact between continents; clash of cultures.
Jamestown,Virginia, 1607; John Smith.
1619, Berkeley Plantation; Thanksgiving after long, taxing 3 month voyage
on ship Margaret.
10. Chesapeake Bay Rivers
Western side of bay:
James River
York River
Rappahannock River
Potomac River
Patuxent River
Susquehanna River
Eastern Shore:
Choptank River
Nanticoke River
Pocomoke River
11. Pocahontas, 1596-1617
"Indian Princess." Indians as virgin, noble.
Daughter of Powhatan.
Rescues John Smith from Powhatan's men, 1607.
Captured by English, 1613, Christianized.
Marries John Rolfe, 1614, has son Thomas.
Brought to England, 1615, dies 1617.
12. The Virginia Massacre, 1622
Major massacre of colonists by Indians.
End of truce with Powhatan.
Change in image of Indian in England.
Indians now perceived as "wild, savage, slothful, brutish."
13. Avery Odelle Craven
Historian of southern agriculture, 1885-1980.
Soil Exhaustion as a Factor in the Agricultural History of Virginia
and Maryland, 1606-1860. (1926)
"Soil Exhaustion in the Chesapeake" in Major Problems.
Soil depletion under tobacco monoculture.
14. Tobacco Plantations
On James River.
1614: Tobacco discovered to grow well in Virginia; non-food crop.
1617: 10 acres grain mandated by T. Dale.
European settled agricultureócorn, wheat, barley, oats, cattle, sheep,
pigs, horses, poultry.
Jared Diamond "major five" domesticated animals and plants.
15. Shirley Plantation House
James River, 1723.
John Carter and Elizabeth Hill Carter.
Son of Robert "King" Carter.
Grew "Stout Oronoko" tobacco.
Wheat, corn, lumber.
16. Slave Quarters
Emergence of slave labor in tobacco colonies.
1619: 20 blacks arrive on Dutch frigate.
1630: Blacks are 1.9% of population.
1700: Blacks are 22% of population.
17. William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701
Virginia planter.
Extensive holdings in Chesapeake area.
1686 letter to England to exchange Virginia properties for English
18. Robert "King" Carter, 1663-1732
Richest man in colonial America.
Member, House of Burgesses.
300,000 acres of land in Virginia.
Plantation house.
700-1000 slaves.
2000 head of cattle.
100 horses.
19. Carter's Grove, Va: Great Hall
Mansion built by "King" Carterís grandson, Carter Burwell, 1753.
On James River.
Reproduces life of English gentry.
Lavish parties.
1500 books; music.
20. Robert Carter III, 1730-1804
Grandson of King Carter.
Nomini Hall on Potomac River.
28 fires burning in winter.
Annual consumption:
27,000 lbs pork
20 beef cattle
350 bu. wheat
4 barrels of rum
150 gal. brandy
21. Southern Forest
Density of southern forest; problems of clearing land.
Pines: Yellow (shortleaf), loblolly, longleaf, pitch pine.
Hardwoods: Black oak, red oak, white oak, red maple.
Yellow poplar (tulip), flowering dogwood, sweetgum.
22. Clearing the Woodlands
Read landscape as a text; construct a story.
Postmodern questions: Whose landscape? Who intervenes? Who is narrating?
Who is "the Other"?
Colonial "necessity" to clear land for tobacco planting.
23. Tobacco Cultivation
Reading the colonized, enslaved body as a text; inscription of cultural
Labor intensive work; stoop labor; skill and task-oriented; the body as
24. Tobacco Hills
Narrative from perspective of labor.
Steps in tobacco growing:
Plowing or loosening of soil.
Creation of hills.
Hills in squares 6-9 feet apart.
25. Tobacco Seedlings
Spring planting.
Seeds first planted in rich mould.
Grown until 4-5 inches in height.
Transplanted in wet weather to hills set in rows.
26. Tobacco Plants
When 1 foot high (1 month), plants are pruned and topped.
When 4 1/2 feet high (2 1/2 months) are pruned and weeded.
Tobacco worms removed by hand.
27. Hoe Cultivation of Tobacco
Delicate work of loosening soil around roots of plant.
Preserving lower leaves intact.
Many roots, stones, stumps preclude plowing.
28. Soil Depletion from Hoeing
Narrative from perspective of soil.
Soil erosion from continual shallow scratching of soils.
Soil toxicity.
Soil fungi, root rot.
Land becomes acidic.
Pine, sedge, sorrell take over.
29. Tobacco in Bloom
Three to four years of planting only.
Followed by soil exhaustion.
Nitrogen and potassium depleted.
Abandonment of land.
Fresh lands taken up.
30. Harvesting Tobacco
Harvested when leaves begin to turn brown.
31. Tobacco Drying Barns
Tobacco laid in field in heaps to sweat.
Transported to barns to dry; fire maintained.
Air circulates around hung plants, 4-5 wks.
Laid in heaps to sweat again, 1-2 wks.
32. Slave Knowledge and Technology
Slaves often more knowledgeable than owners.
1839: Slave puts embers on dying fire in tobacco house. Creates bright
leaf tobacco for cigarettes (milder, lighter color, will burn more
33. Duke Homestead, Durham, N.C. 1852
Narrative from perspective of planter.
Washington Duke, tobacco farmer, sold tobacco to Civil War soldiers.
Son, James Buchanan (Buck) Duke, bought cigarette rolling patent; Duke
University founder; multimillionaire.
34. Tobacco History
Tobacco Company's narrative.
Brightleaf tobacco beaten into powder and rolled into cigarettes.
$200 million per year by 1900.
American Tobacco Co. monopoly; split up, 1911.
35. Smoking Advertisement
Tobacco consumer's narrative.
"I really don't know if I should smoke."
From Virginia Dare to "Virginia Slims."
Addictive character of tobacco.
36. Discussion Questions
Whose story are we telling?
How do we tell the story of the Tobacco South from perspectives other than
European American?
Other points of view: E.g. Indian, Black, Asian? Women? The soil? The planter?
The consumer of tobacco?