1590 - 1820
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2. Judith Carney
University of California, Los
Angeles. Geography
Black Rice: The African
Origins of Rice
Cultivation in the Americas (2001).
In Major Problems: "Rice and
Slaves in
the Low Country."
3. Rice in the Low Country
South Carolina rice areas.
Georgia rice areas.
4. Clearing the Wilderness
Phase I. Production of rice in inland
Clearing of Cypress swamps for
Transformation of coastal
lowlands into plantations.
5. Rice Plantation
Phase II. Tidal Floodplains.
By Civil War: 1600 Plantations.
Plantation house.
Slave houses.
Slaves, horses, cattle, and
6. Winnowing Rice
African women remove husks using
mortar and
Sift flour from rice with wire
7. Rice Production Systems
Tidal areas: tidewater rice
Inland swamp areas: inner edge
of a tidal
swamp. Water flows from reservoir to rice field and drains to creek.
8. Rice Production Steps
Step 1. Building levees.
Step 2. Division into quarters.
Step 3. Sowing rice on the
Step 4. Sluices open and close
with the tides.
9. Rice Production: Dike Systems
Tidal regulation by diking.
Hanging trunk: hanging
floodgates anchored
into the embankment above low tide line.
Gates at ends of trunk swing
when pulled up.
10. Rice Irrigation
Tidal floodplain irrigated
Mid-18th century to Civil War.
11. Race and Racism
Race as major biological divisions
of humanity: Caucasian (white), Negroid (black), Mongoloid (yellow). Genetic differences.
Race as a "social construction" based on different skin color, eyes, hair color, stature, body proportions.
Racial formation: socio-historical process of creating racial differences and categories.
Racial state: Institutions, policies, and programs of the state that maintain racial hegemony.
Racism: Practice of racial discrimination, segregation, persecution, domination.
12. Slavery
Institutionalized racism.
Ownership of another person’s
Virginia, 1619. 20 blacks on
Dutch frigate.
Are indentured servants.
Virginia court decision, 1640; 3
runaway servants.
Black gets life servitude.
1682. All Negroes who are not
Christian when
purchased are slaves.
13. European Images of Blackness
Soiled, dirty, foul.
Witchcraft, black magic.
Having dark or deadly purposes.
Black death (Bubonic Plague).
Wicked, horrible, atrocious.
Disgrace, censure, punishment.
14. Slave Ship: Upper Deck
Thomas Phillips, British slave
captain, 1693:
"The negroes are so wilful and loth to leave their own country, that
have often leap’d into the sea. We shackle the men two and two. They
fed twice a day. Some commanders cut off the legs and arms of the most
wilful, to terrify the rest."
15. Slave Ship: Below Decks
Dutch merchant, 1705: "The
Negroes are all
without exception, Crafty, Villainous, and Fraudulent, and very seldom
be trusted. They are besides incredibly careless and stupid."
16. Slave Shackles
English ship's doctor, 1788:
"The men taken
aboard the ship are immediately fastened together, two and two, by
on their wrists and by irons riveted on their legs. The surgeon
finds a dead and living negro fastened by their irons together."
17. Olaudah Equiano
The Interesting Narrative of
the Life of
Olaudah Equiano (1791).
Born in 1745 in West Africa.
Enslaved at age 11.
Brought to Virginia.
Sold to British officer.
Philadelphia merchant.
18. Slaves Overboard
Olaudah Equiano: "I now wished
for the last
friend death to relieve me. . . . Although not being used to the water,
could I have gotten over the nettings, I would have jumped over the
19. Slave Market
Families split up.
Field and household labor.
Skilled tasks demanded.
20. Indian Slave Trade
Cherokees traded their war
captives to whites
in exchange for European goods.
White traders incited warfare to
gain sales.
Indians taken captive by
militiamen could
be retained as slaves.
1680s: Cherokees took slaves
from Guales and
Tuscaroras (1000 captured).
1708. South Carolina: 2900
black,1400 Indian
21. William Loren Katz: Black Indians
Runaway black slaves mingle and
mate with
Red and black Seminoles live
together peacefully;
knowledge of agriculture.
Raise corn, sweet potatoes,
vegetables, cotton,
livestock; hunting and fishing.
Georgia slaveholders want to
annex Florida;
Seminoles attack Georgia plantations; Seminole wars, 19th c.
22. Seminole Slave Holders
Andrew Jackson sent orders to
wipe out Seminole
resistance at Fort Negro, 1816.
Red and black Seminoles move to
Suwannee river;
resume life as farmers.
1818, Jackson marches on
Seminoles and annexes
Wealthy Creeks sent to persuade
Seminole chiefs
to become slave masters.
1819. Annexation of Florida.
23. Thomas Jefferson, d. July 4, 1826
President, 1800-08.
Va. Gen Assembly, 1769, pushed
for slave manumission.
Va. 1779, pushed for gradual
"Declaration of Independence,"
1776. Wanted
clause condemming slavery.
24. Jefferson on Blacks:
Notes on the State of
Virginia, 1787.
Enlightened planter and
Prejudice makes it impossible to
blacks; colonization is answer.
"Real distinctions nature has
Blacks are equal in memory, but
inferior in
reason to whites; equal in moral sense.
Gifted in music, but not in
poetry, despite
Phillis Wheatley (see ch. 6).
25. Discussion Questions
How do we weigh Jefferson's
promotion of democracy
and efforts to abolish slavery against his slaveholding and views on
How can we deal with racism in
ourselves and
our society today?