1845 - 1925
to Podcast of these Slides
2. Sierra Ecological Zones
3. Sierra Ecosystems
4. Sierra Wildlife
5. Sierra Foothills and Valleys
6. California Gold Diggers
Indian, Chinese, and European
gold miners.
7. Panning for Gold
Columbia State Historic Park, Ca.
Placer mining with sluice box
and riffle bars.
Most democratic form of mining;
to all.
$87 million in gold. 1850-70.
8. Sierra Miner's Cabin
Columbia State Historic Park, Ca.
Joaquin Miller, 1890, My
Life Amongst the
Smoke pollutes the air, mine
shafts pock-mark
the earth, mercury pollutes streams.
9. Malakoff Diggins State Park
Hydraulic mine site near Nevada
City, Ca.
10. Hydraulic Nozzle
11. Hydraulic Mining
Carleton Watkins photograph
12. Erosion from Hydraulic Mining
Malakoff Diggins' State Park, Ca.
Eroded rock to form vertical
River beds altered.
Topsoil washed away.
Fans of tailings.
13. Grove Karl Gilbert
Geologist, 1843-1918.
United States Geological Survey,
of the Interior.
"Hydraulic Mining Debris in the
Sierra Nevada"
14. Debris-filled Rivers and Buried
Top: River valley flooded with
mining debris
Bottom: Tree trunks formerly
innundated by
debris reappear with erosion (1908).
15. Unclogged Versus Debris-Clogged
Left: Water fills entire creek
bed (1908 photo).
Right: Water confined to narrow
channel except
when flooded (1908 photo).
16. Impact on Sacramento River
17. Sacramento River
In 1880s was filled with debris
from hydraulic
By 1902 tides had returned to
Sacramento and
by 1920 reached 20 inches (Were 2 feet originally).
Trees began to regrow.
18. Impact on Marysville
19. Gold Rush Ecological Impacts
Impacts of Mining on Sierra
20. Richard White
Stanford University.
Author of The Roots of
Dependency (1983);
Your Misfortune and None of My Own (1991); The Organic Machine
In Major Problems:
"Salmon versus Fishers
in the Northwest."
21. White's Approach to the
History of the Chinook Salmon
Energy links human and natural
Solar energy is captured in
salmon and ingested
by humans and other animals as caloric energy.
Humans expend energy in the form
of labor
in catching and drying salmon.
The river captures energy from
the sun and
wind as well as by gravity flow.
22. Salmon as an Actor
White: "Salmon are a virtually
free gift to
the energy ledger of the Columbia. They bring [solar] energy garnered
[the ocean] outside the river back to the river."
23. The River as an Actor
Celilo Falls, Columbia River.
White: "Like us, rivers work.
They absorb
and emit energy; they rearrange the world. The Columbia has been
for millennia."
24. Dipnetters
Indian fishing sites.
At traditional places where
water is swift
and where fish are forced into narrow channels.
Men's work is to catch fish.
25. Indian Women Drying Salmon
To extend the energy of the
salmon over time,
they must be preserved by drying.
Women's work is to dry the
salmon caught by
26. Gillnetters
Gillnetters cast nets and float
down the river.
By 1883, 1700 gillnetters.
Wind and human muscle are used
to harvest
the fish.
27. Fish Wheels
Used on the Columbia between the
and Celilo Falls after 1879.
Use energy of the river to pump
the fish out
of the river.
High efficiency: 20,000 to
50,000 pounds of
fish per day.
By 1890s salmon runs
dramatically decline.
28. White
"In their dying, salmon revealed
of competing social values."
"Understanding the fate of
salmon involves
understanding complicated and particular social struggles and not some
universal human nature at work in an undifferentiated commons."
29. Discussion Questions
What is the environmental legacy
of the Gold
Rush? Can or should it be repaired?
How are otters and salmon
environmental actors?
Is this approach to history useful?