1850 - 1950

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2. Walter Prescott Webb
  • The Great Plains (1939).
  • Culture adapts to environment.
  • Technologies are key in European supremacy.
  • Six shooter, steel plow, barbed wire, windmill, railroads, harvesting machines.
3. Great Plains Environment

4. Great Plains Rainfall Map

5. Great Plains Grasses

6. Desert Grasses

  • Sagebrush.
  • Creosote Bush.
  • Rainfall less than 10 inches per year.
7. Antelopeand Coyote
  • Animals of the Plains.
  • Require little water.
  • Fast speed.
  • Antelope is grass eater.
  • Coyote is predator, trickster.
8. The Buffalo's Demise
  • Lewis and Clark, 1806: "The moving multitude darkend the whole plains."
  • 1860s-1890s: Hunters killed bison for meat, skins, bone, and sport.
  • Skeletons used for fertilizer.
9. Hide and Bone Business
  • 1874, Stretching, drying, and hauling hides.
  • Trainloads of hides and bones sent to east depletes Kansas herds.
10. Indian Land Sessions, 1768-1799

11. Indian Removals

12. Trail of Tears

  • 1831, Choctow; 1836, Creek; 1837, Cherokee gathered up and sent to Oklahoma.
13. Indian-White Clashes in the West, 1866-1890

14. Indian Relocations,1860-1890

15. Indian Reservations, 1880s-90s

16. Indian Land Policy

  • 1830. Indian Removal Act. Cherokee Trail of Tears.
  • 1871. "Hereafter no Indian nation" will be recognized "as an independent power" for making treaties.
17. Dawes Act, 1887
  • General Allotment Act.
  • U.S. could allot communally held tribal lands to individual Indians in 160-acre parcels.
  • Secretary of Interior could negotiate with Indians to sell remaining lands to non-Indians.
  • 90 million out of 155.5 million acres sold to non-Indians over next 50 years. 
18. Bureau of Indian Affairs,Created in 1824
  • Administered the Dawes Allotment Act of 1887. Divided reservation lands into 160 acre tracts. By 1937 tribes lost 2/3 of reservation lands.
  • 1934. Indian Reorganization Act. "New Deal" for Indians. John Collier of BIA.
  • Prohibited further Dawes Act allotments of reservation land and encouraged tribes to recreate themselves as corporate entities. 
19. Indian Civil Rights Act
  • 1968. U.S. government denies the states civil and criminal jurisdiction over Native American lands without tribal consent.
20. Discussion Questions
  • Should the Great Plains be returned to bison and Indians?
  • How can an ecologically sustainable way of life be created on the Great Plains?