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Lesson 4: Fruit & Vegetable - Page 4
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Lesson 4
Lesson 4




Nutrients in Fruits and Vegetables

Whatever form they are in, whether fresh, frozen, canned, or dried, fruits and vegetables are good for our diet and can be protective against chronic diseases. These plant based foods provide an abundance of vitamins, such as Vitamin A, C, E and folic acid. It is also high in antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber.

Vitamin A is beneficial for the growth and development of children and is also important for night vision.

carrots asian spinach persimmon pumpkin ong choy mango

red-bell pepper cantaloupe green onion apricot papaya yam

In general, deep yellow and orange as well as dark green leafy fruits and vegetables are abundant in Vitamin A

Vitamin C helps protect the immune system, and is important for skin integrity.

pineapple grape chili pepper watermelon broccoli plum

tomato kiwi lemon/lime strawberries orange bok choy