
Sandoval-Castro E, Peraza-Magallanes AY, Dodd RS et al. (2021). Exploring genetic diversity of lowland avocado (Persea americana Mill.) as a genetic reservoir for breeding. Genet Resour Crop Evol

Fernandez i Marti A, Castro S, DeJong TM, Dodd RS (2021). Evaluation of the S-locus in Prunus domestica, characterization, phylogeny and 3D modelling. PLoS ONE 16(5): e0251305.

DeSilva R, Dodd, RS (2021). Patterns of fine-scale spatial genetic structure and pollen dispersal in giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). Forests, 12

DeSilva R, Dodd, RS (2020). Association of genetic and climatic variability in giant sequoia, Sequoiadendron giganteum, reveals signatures of local adaptation along moisture-related gradients. Ecology and Evolution, 10:10619–10632.

DeSilva R, Dodd, RS (2020). Fragmented and isolated: limited gene flow coupled with weak isolation by environment in the paleoendemic giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). American Journal of Botany, 107: 45-55.

Long JW, Dodd RS, Knapp JJ, Fernandez i Marti A (2019). Chasing Quercus kelloggii on Santa Cruz Island. International Oaks 30: 289-294.

Dodd RS, Papper P (2019). Disentangling the phylogenetic network of the California red oaks. International Oaks 30: 203-208.

Olivia Millán-Aguilar, Nettel-Hernanz A, Hurtado-Oliva M, Dodd RS, Flores-Cárdenas F, Manzano-Sarabia M (2019). Landscape metrics and conservation status of five mangrove wetlands in the eastern Gulf of California margin. Journal of Coastal Research

Cobb R, Ross N, Hayden KJ, Eyre CA, Dodd RS, Frankel SJ, Garbelotto M, Rizzo DM (2019). Promise and pitfalls of endemic resistance for cultural resources threatened by Phytophthora ramorum. Phytopathology

Fernandez i Marti A, Romero-Ruiz C, Navarro-Cerrillo R, Abril N, Jorrin-Novo JV, Dodd RS (2018). Population genetic diversity of Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. reveals divergence in recent and evolutionary migration rates in the Spanish dehesas. Forests, 9, 337.

Fernandez i Marti A, Dodd RS (2018). Using CRISPR as a gene editing tool for validating adaptive gene function in tree landscape genetics. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 6, 16

Arantxa M, Font i Forcada C, Estopañán G, Dodd RS, Alonso JM, Rubio-Cabetas MJ, Fernandez i Marti A (2018). Biochemical analyses and expression of cold transcription factors of the late PDO ‘Calanda’ peach under different post-harvest conditions. Scientia Horticulturae, 238:116-125

Millán-Aguilar O, Manzano-Sarabia M, Nettel-Hernanz A, Dodd RS, Hurtado-Oliva MA, Velázquez-Velázquez E (2016). Genetic Diversity of the Black Mangrove Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn in Northwestern Mexico. Forests, 7, 197

Dodd RS, Douhovnikoff V (2016). Adjusting to global change through clonal growth and epigenetic variation. Frontiers. Frontiers, 4, 86

Dodd RS, DeSilva R (2016). Long-term demographic decline and late glacial divergence in a Californian paleoendemic: Sequoiadendron giganteum
(giant sequoia). Ecology and Evolution 6 3342–3355

Sandoval-Castro E, Dodd RS (2015). Detecting the limits of northern and southern lineages of tanoak in Northern California. In: Proceedings of the seventh symposium on oak woodlands: Managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world. psw_gtr251_387.

Naryan L, Dodd RS, O’Hara K (2015). A genotyping protocol for multiple tissue types from polyploid tree species Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 2015 3 ( 3 ) 1400110

Sandoval Castro E, Dodd RS, Enríquez Paredes LM, Riosmena Rodríguez R, Tovilla_Hernández C, Arredondo García MC, Muñiz_Salazar R (2014). Post-glacial expansion and population genetic divergence of mangrove species Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn and Rhizophora mangle L. along Mexican coast. PLoS ONE 9(4)

Douhovnikoff V, Dodd RS (2014). Epigenetics: a potential mechanism for clonal plant success. Plant Ecology 216 227-233.

De Silva R, Dodd RS (2014). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for giant sequoia, Sequoiadendron giganteum (Cupressaceae). Conservation Genetics Resources 6: 173-174.

Sandoval-Castro E, Muñiz-Salazar R, Riosmena-Rodríguez R, Dodd RS, López-Vivas, JM, Moreno-Medina SC, Victoria-Cota NL. (2014). Genetic Structure and Evolution of Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle along Northwestern México. In: The Arid Mangrove Forest from Baja California Peninsula Volume 1 (R. Riosmena-Rodríguez, A. F. González-Acosta and R. Muñiz-Salazar eds.) Nova Science Publishers.

Dodd RS, Nettel A, Wright JW, A.- Rafii Z. (2013). Genetic structure of Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Fagaceae) from the species to the local scale: a review of our knowledge for conservation and replanting. MADRONO 60 130-138.

Wright JW, Dodd RS. (2013).Could tanoak mortality affect insect biodiversity? Evidence for insect pollination in tanoaks. MADRONO 60 87–94.

Nettel-Hernanz A, Dodd RS, Ochoa-Zavala M, Tovilla-Hernández C. (2013). Mating system analyses of tropical populations of the black mangrove, Avicennia germinans (L.) (Avicenniaceae). Botanical Sciences 91 115-117.

Hayden K, Garbelotto M, Dodd R S, Wright J. (2013). Scaling up from greenhouse resistance to an emerging infectious forest disease to fitness in the field. Evolutionary Applications 6 970-982.

Dodd RS, Mayer W, Afzal-Rafii Z, Nettel A. (2012).Clonal growth and fine-scale genetic structure in tanoak (Notholithocarpus densiflorus: Fagaceae). Journal of Heredity 104 105-114.

Sandoval Castro E, Muñiz_Salazar R, Enríquez Paredes LM, Riosmena Rodríguez R, Tovilla_Hernández C, Arredondo García MC, Dodd RS. (2012). Genetic population structure of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) along the coast of northwestern Mexico. Aquatic Botany 99 20– 26.

Hayden K, Nettel A, Dodd RS, Garbelotto M. (2011). Will all the trees fall? Variable resistance to an introduced forest disease in a highly susceptible host. Forest Ecology and Management. 261 1781-1791

Olsen MT, Volny VH, Bérubé M, Dietz R, Lydersen C, Kovacs KM, Dodd RS, Palsbøll PJ (2011). A simple route to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in a non-model species: identification and characterization of SNPs in the ringed seal (Pusa hispida hispida). RingedSeal_Olsen_et.al_2011

Douhovnikoff V, Dodd RS. (2011) Lineage divergence in coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), detected by a new set of nuclear microsatellite loci. American Midland Naturalist 165 22-37

Dodd, RS, Afzal-Rafii Z, Mayer W. (2010). Ancestral Seed Zones and Genetic Mixture of Tanoak. In: Proceedings of the fourth Sudden oak death science symposium. US Department of Agriculture General Technical Report PSW-GTR-229. pp.171-182.

Nettel A, Dodd RS, Afzal-Rafii Z. (2009). Genetic diversity, structure, and demographic change in tanoak, Lithocarpus densiflorus (Fagaceae), the most susceptible host to the Sudden Oak Death disease in California. American Journal of Botany. 96: 2224-2233.   pdf

Dodd, R.S., Hüberli,D., Mayer, W.,  Harnik, T.Y.,  Afzal-Rafii,Z. and Garbelotto,M. (2008). Evidence for the role of synchronicity between host phenology and pathogen activity in the distribution of sudden oak death canker disease. New Phytologist 179: 505-514.   pdf

Dodd RS, Afzal-Rafii Z, Mayer W (2008). Molecular markers show how pollen and seed dispersal affect population genetic structure in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Née). In: Merenleder A, McCreary D, Purcell KL eds. Proceedings of the sixth symposium on oak woodlands: today’s challenges, tomorrow’s opportunities. US Department of Agriculture General Technical Report PSW-GTR-217, pp. 485-495.

Semaan, M.T., Dodd, R.S. (2008).Genetic variability and structure of the remnant natural populations of Cedrus libani (Pinaceae) of Lebanon. Trees, Genetics and Genomes 4: 757-766.

Nettel, A., Dodd, R. S, A.-Rafii, Z. and Tovilla-Hernández, C. (2008). Genetic diversity enhanced by ancient introgression and secondary contact in East-Pacific black mangroves. Molecular Ecology 17: 2680-2690.

Nettel, A., Dodd, R. S., Cid-Becerra, J.A., de la Rosa-Velez, J.(2008). Ten new microsatellite markers for the buttonwood mangrove (Conocarpus erectus L., Combretaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 851-853.   pdf

Nettel A, Dodd RS, Cid-Becerra JA, de la Rosa-Velez J. 2008. Development of microsatellite markers for the white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa C.F. Gaertn., Combretaceae). Conservation Genetics 9:1037-1038.   pdf

Dodd RS, Ong JE (2008). Future of mangrove ecosystems to 2025. In: N. Polunin ed., Aquatic ecosystems: trends and global prospects. Cambridge University Press 172-187.

Douhovnikoff V, Dodd RS (2007) Clonal spread in second growth stands of coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens. In proceedings to: Redwood region forest science symposium: what does the future hold?  US Department of Agriculture General Technical Report PSW-GTR-194. pp 65-72.

Dodd RS (2007). Range expansion through pollen dispersal: hybrid studies in California red oaks. International Oaks Journal 18: 42-50.

A- Rafii Z, Dodd, RS (2007). Chloroplast DNA supports a hypothesis of glacial refugia over post-glacial recolonization in disjunct populations of black pine (Pinus nigra) in western Europe. Molecular Ecology 16: 723-736.   pdf

Nettel A, Dodd, RS (2007). Drifting propagules and receding swamps; genetic footprints of long–distance dispersal and Quaternary extinction along tropical coasts. Evolution 61: 958-971.   pdf

Morris VRF, Dodd RS (2006). Characterization of  microsatellite markers for the tanoak tree Lithocarpus densiflorus Molecular Ecology Notes. 6: 706-708.   pdf

Nettel A, Rafii F, Dodd RS (2005). Characterization of  microsatellite markers for the mangrove tree Avicennia germinans L (Avicenniaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes. 5: 103-105.

Bojovic S, Jurc M, Drazic D, Pavlovic P, Mitrovic M, Djurdjevic L, Dodd RS, A-Rafii Z, Barbero M (2005). Origin identification of Pinus nigra populations in southwestern Europe using terpene composition variations. Trees. 19: 531-538.   pdf

Douhovnikoff V, McBride JRM, Dodd RS (2005). Salix exigua clonal growth and population dynamics in relation to disturbance regime variation. Ecology. 86: 446-452.   pdf

Dodd RS, Hüberli D, Douhovnikoff V,  Harnik TY,  Afzal-Rafii Z, Garbelotto M (2005). Is variation in susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum correlated with population genetic structure in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Née)? New Phytologist. 165: 203-214.   pdf

Dodd RS, A- Rafii Z (2004). Selection and dispersal in a multispecies oak hybrid zone. Evolution. 58: 261-269.   pdf

Douhovnikoff V, Cheng A, Dodd RS (2004). Incidence, size and spatial structure of clones in second growth stands of coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae). American Journal of Botany. 91: 1140-1146.   pdf

Douhovnikoff V, Dodd RS  (2003). Intra-clonal variation and a similarity threshold for identification of clones: application to Salix exigua using AFLP molecular markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106: 1307-1315.

Dodd RS, Kashani N (2003). Molecular differentiation and diversity among the California red oaks section Lobatae. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 107: 884-892.   pdf

Dodd RS, Poveda M (2003). Environmental gradients and population divergence contribute to variation in cuticular wax composition in Juniperus communis.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 31: 1257-1270.   pdf

Dodd, R.S., Afzal-Rafii, Z. 2002 Evolutionary genetics of mangroves: continental drift to recent climate change. Trees: Structure and Function 16:80-86.   pdf

Kashani, N. and Dodd, R.S. 2002. Genetic differentiation of two California red oak species, Quercus parvula var. shrevei and Q. wislizeni, based on AFLP molecular markers. In: Oaks in California’s changing landscape.  417-426.

Dodd, R.S., Kashani, N. and A.-Rafii, Z. 2002. Population diversity and evidence of introgression among the black oaks of California. In: Oaks in California’s changing landscape.  775-785.

Dodd RS, A-Rafii Z, Kashani N, Budrick J (2002). Land barriers and open oceans: effects on gene diversity and population structure in Avicennia germinans L. (Avicenniaceae). Molecular Ecology 11:1327-1338.

Dodd RS, A-Rafii Z, Bousquet-Mélou A (2000). Evolutionary divergence in the pan Atlantic mangrove Avicennia germinans. New Phytologist 145:115-125.

Dodd RS, A-Rafii Z (2000). Habitat-related adaptive properties of plant cuticular lipids. Evolution 54: 1438-1444.

A-Rafii Z, Dodd RS, Fauvel M-T (1999). A case of natural selection in Atlantic east Pacific Rhizophora. Hydrobiologia 413:1-9.

Dodd RS, Blasco F, A- Rafii Z, Torquebiau E (1999). Mangroves of the United Arab Emirates: Diversity at the bioclimatic extreme.  Aquatic Botany, 63: 291-304.

Dodd RS, A-Rafii A, Fromard F, Blasco F (1998). Evolutionary diversity among Atlantic coast mangroves. Acta Oecologia 19: 323-330.

Dodd RS, A-Rafii Z, Power AB (1998) Ecotypic adaptation in Austrocedrus chilensis in epicuticular hydrocarbon composition. New Phytologist 138: 699-708.

Rafii Z, Dodd RS, Fromard F (1996)  Biogeographic variation in foliar waxes of mangrove species.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24: 341-345

A- Rafii Z, Dodd RS, Zavarin E (1996)  Genetic diversity in foliar terpenoids among natural populations of European black pine.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24: 325-339.

Dodd RS, A.-Rafii Z (1995). Ecogeographic variation in seed fatty acids of Austrocedrus chilensis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 825-833.

Dodd RS, Fromard F, A.-Rafii Z, Blasco F (1995) Biodiversity among West African Rhizophora: Foliar wax chemistry.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23:859-868.

Castor C, Cuevas JG, Arroyo MTK, A.-Rafii Z, Dodd RS (1996).  Austrocedrus chilensis (Don,D.) Pic.-Ser. et Bizz. (Cupressaceae) from Chile and Argentina -Monoecious or dioecious.  Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69:89-95.

Dodd RS, Power AB (1994).  Population variation in wood structure of white fir.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24: 2269-2274.

Power AB, Dodd RS, Libby WJ  (1994).  Effects of hedging on maturation in radiata pine: western gall rust susceptibility.  Silvae Genetica 43 (1):1-7.

Dodd RS, A.-Rafii, Z  (1994).  Chemical and ecological variability of Cupressus bakeri on Goosenest Mountain, California.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 22(4):393-400.

Denne MP, Atkinson CJ, Dodd RS  (1994).  Quantification of trends in wood production within trees of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.).  Annals of Botany 73:655-664.

A.-Rafii Z,  Dodd RS  (1994).  Biometrical variability of foliage and cone characters in Cupressus bakeri Jeps.  Plant Systematics and Evolution 192: 151-163.

Dodd RS, A.-Rafii Z (1994).  Chemosystematics and ecology of Californian live oaks (Quercus agrifolia and Q. wislizenii).  Ecologie 25: 87-92