Under the 1998 California Natural Hazard Disclosure Law, home sellers, or their agents, are required to make a Natural Hazard Disclosure Form available to all potential buyers. This form is usually provided along with other reports on the property, such as pest reports and engineering reports. The form declares whether the property for sale falls within any of six designated potential natural hazard zones, including two types of flood zone, two types of wildfire zone, and two types of seismic hazard (earthquake) zone. The form lists each of the six zones with a "yes" or "no" checkbox. The "yes" box is checked for every zone that the property falls within. Presence within a zone is determined by consulting hazard maps available at local government offices, or by hiring a specialist, such as an engineering company, to make the designation based on mapping. Mapped hazard zones represent geographic areas that have a certain probability of undergoing a flood, fire or seismic event in a given period of time. click here for more detailed information on the law and the policy background

Below: a sample NHD form