appl/www Wide World Web Server Icons This README is copied with the icons images to three possible places Original Source for Icons in the Library... This directory is a SOURCE directory of the World Wide Web icons and as such is in the libraries own format X Bitmaps and X Pixmaps. CONTINUED BELOW CIT Server on All the icons in the above library WWW area have been converted to GIF format, via an automated installation script. Transparency on X pixmaps and white on X bitmaps have been converted to a transparent grey color in the resulting GIF file. (See below). WARNING: This script can remove old obsolete images. The only GIF files in this directory never removed or replaced are those which START WITH A CAPITAL LETTER. This are classed as local additions to this server, make your own additions the same way. A Copy of these icons on a Remote Server... That says it all. This README is therefore obsolete, and it is up to the Webmaster or owner of these directories to do whatever is required. I would however recommend that a new copy of these icons be downloaded from every couple of months or so. --------------------------------------------------- AIcons Library README... This directory is a SOURCE directory of the World Wide Web icons and as such is in the libraries own format X Bitmaps and X Pixmaps. However the Web prefers its images in the GIF format and as such when installing the icons you convert them to this format with appropriate transparency arangments. See below. The .html files in this directory are designed for use in the /images directory of a Http Web Server as ``Image Examples''. See our own ``Server Information'' document on The links in this files are full paths so that client programs looking at these files can find the GIF images in the current servers /images area regardless of if reading from the actual library directory and to keep web spiders happy. (A Kludge) A gzip'ed tar file of all these icons is available from WARNING: While most of the icons in this directory follow the standard color table of the library, not all of them do. The `granite' icons for instance would not convert well to the standard color table. You have been warned. Some X Pixmap files are also using the ``Transparent'' or ``None'' color available in this format. To properly convert these icons into GIF files with the correct transparency setting for most WWW clients, you are recommended to use the "xbm2gif" script which can be found in the "support/scripts" section of this library. This script is not stand alone and relies on one other script ("x2p.sed") and the PbmPlus filter library (see main library README) to be present on your shell's PATH. This script ("xbm2gif") has a -t option to handle these special Pixmaps. The script first converts the X Pixmap `Transparent' color and the `white' color of X bitmaps into a Grey shade, and then set this as the GIF's transparent color in the final conversion phase. The resulting GIF will then to be usable by the maximum number of clients including those which do not understand the GIF transparency extension. Example Conversion Convert bitmaps into Gifs (white becoming transparent) xbm2gif -t [a-z]*.xbm Convert pixmaps into Gifs (with appropriate transparency) xbm2gif -t [a-z]*.xpm NOTE: DO NOT convert Pixmaps to GIF with transparency if the original X Pixmap does not have transparency (for example on Button images). Otherwise some other shades of grey my also become transparent on some web browsers when they shouldn't. Mosaic is one example of this. The "xbm2gif" script above checks if transparency is actually required before appling converting them correctly and appropriately into GIF. See ``docs/contribs'' for a list of sites where many of these www icons were retrieved from. ------ Specific Contribs Greg Bossert The original 40x40 and 20x20 button icons in the ``appl/www'' area. About half of these in this section are his icons including the arrows, homes, gopher, images, etc. and also the basic style and philosophy of these images. I and other users on the WWW have added many many more to this set by editing various ``desc/cl-32'' icons into the appropriate button style. NOTE: all these icons have been converted to the libraries standard color table. R Kramarik The idea of using the crossfire thin walls as ``Box/'' parts. Anthony Hall For the first seven roman numerals. Anyone else like to increase this to say XII ? Sachiko Oba The small colored squares and miscelanous furniture. CTwm Icon Archive spider.xpm The World Wide Web as a Whole A complete list of all the sites icons have been collected from Usally only one or two per site. can be found toward the end of the ``docs/contribs'' document. Thanks to everyone concerned. In particular for the start of the Latex2Html buttons construction (hole & hat) pow ------ See Also appl/desktop/file Expanded set of Index icons for NCSA Httpd server. appl/math Large set of Greek and super/subscripts for math docs. Anthony Thyssen