ARE 265: Advanced Topics in Environmental and Resource Economics
Peter Berck and David Sunding
Syllabus (not final yet)
Mondays 12-2. Room 207 Giannini Hall (David Sundings Office) until further notice
Grading: There will 4 problem sets (worth a total of 40% of the grade) and a final worth 60% of the grade.
Topics for Fall 2015 with selected readings.
Buck, S., M. Auffhammer and D. Sunding, “Land Markets and the Value of Water:
Hedonic Analysis Using Repeat Sales of Farmland,”
American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, 2013, in press.
Burness, S. and J. Quirk, “Appropriative Water Rights and the Efficient
Allocation of Resources,” American Economic Review 69(1979): 25-37.
Caswell, M. and D. Zilberman, “The Effects of Well Depth and Land Quality on the
Choice of Irrigation Technology,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics
68(1986): 798-811.
Chong, H. and D. Sunding, “Water Markets and Trading,”
Annual Review of Environment and
Resources 31(2006): 1-22.
Gisser, M., “Groundwater: Focusing on the Real Issue,”
Journal of Political Economy
91(1983): 1001-1027.
Green, G. et al., “Explaining Irrigation Technology Choices: A Microparameter
Approach,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(1996):
Hamilton, S., T. Sproul, D. Sunding and D. Zilberman,
“Environmental Policy with Collective Waste Disposal,”
Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management, 2014, in press.
Mansur, E. and S. Olmstead, “The Value of Scarce Water:
Measuring the Inefficiency of Municipal Regulations,”
Journal of Urban Economics 71(2012):
Renwick, M. and R. Green, “Do
Residential Water Demand Side Management Policies Measure Up? An Analysis of
Eight California
Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management (2000): 37-55.
Schoengold, K., G. Moreno and D. Sunding, “Panel Estimation
of an Agricultural Water Demand Function,” Water Resources Research 42(2006):
W09411, doi:10.1029/2005WR004096.
3. Land Use Sprawl,
and Permitting
Glaeser, E. and M. Kahn, “Sprawl and Urban Growth,”
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics,
J. Henderson & J. Thisse (ed.), Elsevier, 2004.
Mayer, C. and T. Somerville, “Land Use Regulation and New
Construction,” Regional Science and Urban
Economics 30(2000): 639-662.
D Newburn, P Berck – “Exurban development”
Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management 62(2011)323-336.
4. Endangered
Species Act
Auffhammer, M., M. Oren and D. Sunding, “The Impact of Critical Habitat
Designation on the Market for Vacant Land,”
Journal of Law & Economics, 2013,
Quigley, J. and A. Swoboda, “The Urban Impacts of the Endangered Species Act,”
Journal of Urban Economics (2007):
Pederson, W., “Using Federal Environmental Regulations to Bargain for Private
Land Use Control,” Yale Journal on
Regulation (2004): 1-64.
Sunding, D. and J. Terhorst, “Conserving Endangered Species through Regulation
of Urban Development: The Case of California Vernal Pools,”
Land Economics, 2013, in press.
Dixit, Avinash K. Investment under uncertainty. Princeton
university press, 1994.
McDonald, Robert L., and
Daniel Siegel. "The value of waiting to invest."
NBER (1982).
Hueth, D., and Uri Regev. "Optimal agricultural pest
management with increasing pest resistance."
American Journal of Agricultural
Economics 56.3 (1974): 543-552.
Waterfield, Gina, and David Zilberman. "Pest management in
food systems: An economic perspective."
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 37 (2012): 223-245.
Livingston, Michael J., Gerald A. Carlson, and Paul L.
Fackler. "Managing resistance evolution in two pests to two toxins with
refugia." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86.1 (2004): 1-13.
Bjorndal, T. and Conrad, J. The Dynamics of an Open Access Fishery.
Canadian Journal of Economics. 20(1987):74-85
Grafton RQ, Squires D, Fox KJ "Private
property and economic efficiency: A study of a common-pool resource" JOURNAL
OF LAW & ECONOMICS 43 (2): 679-713 OCT 2000
P. Berck and C. Costello. The
Regulated and Ruined Fishery.
Mimeo 2003
Homans FR, Wilen JE "A
model of regulated open access resource use" JOURNAL
Martin D. Smith
, a and
James E. Wilen Economic impacts of marine reserves: the importance of
spatial behavior JEEM Volume
46, Issue 2,
September 2003, Pages 183-206 doi:10.1016/S0095-0696(03)00024-X
*P. Berck. “Open
Access and Extinction.” Econometrica,
No. 47 (1979), pp. 877-882.
*Kremer M, Morcom C "Elephants" AMERICAN
ECONOMIC REVIEW 90 (1): 212-234 MAR 2000
*Bulte E.H. and G.C. van Kooten, 1999. "Economics
of antipoaching enforcement and the ivory trade ban" American
Journal of Agricultural Economics 81:
complex interactions of markets for endangered species products Carolyn
Fischer JEEM 2004:926-953
P. Berck. “The
Economics of Timber: A Renewable Resource in the Long Run.” Bell
Journal of Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Autumn, 1979), pp. 447-461.
A. G. McQuillan. “The Declining Even Flow Effect—Non-Sequitur of National
Forest Planning.” Forest Science, No. 32 (1986), pp. 960-972. (not
online, available in the Biosci
SD1 .F6145 )
R. Hartman. “The
Harvesting Decision Where a Standing Forest Has Value.” Economic
Inquiry, No. 14 (1976), pp. 52-58.
Sohngen B, Mendelsohn R "An
optimal control model of forest carbon sequestration" AMERICAN
W Schlenker, MJ
Roberts -
Nonlinear temperature effects indicate severe damages to US crop yields under
climate change Proceedings of the National …, 2009 - National Acad
MJ Roberts, W Schlenker -
Identifying Supply and Demand Elasticities of Agricultural Commodities:
Implications for the US Ethanol Mandate. The American Economic
Review, 2013 -
M Burke, J Dykema, DB
Lobell, E
Incorporating Climate Uncertainty into Estimates of Climate Change Impacts
- Review of Economics 2014 - MIT Press