WATCH: Meeting the Moment at the National Geographic Society

November 15, 2024

As part of Rausser College of Natural Resources' 50th anniversary this year, the college hosted a special Albright lecture and celebration with National Geographic Society (the Society). Watch CEO Jill Tiefenthaler share the Society's dynamic vision and ambitious plan to address climate change and biodiversity loss through international conservation projects and scientific discovery. 

As chief executive officer at the National Geographic Society, Dr. Jill Tiefenthaler oversees the development and implementation of the Society’s mission-driven work and programmatic agenda. She leads our global community of Explorers: scientists, innovators, educators, and storytellers—in our mission to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. Jill sits on the Society’s Board of Trustees and the board of National Geographic Partners.

Image credit: Mark Thiessen, National Geographic