The Accommodating Syndrome Gregorio Billikopf Encina There are a
number of competing influences that help mold our behavior. One set of forces
that often clash is a desire to do our duty and the need to be liked and fit
in. Youth often grow up in subcultures where succeeding is simply not
fashionable. They quickly learn that achievement often brings envy and disdain.
Stories abound of young people who have buried their talents so as not to
appear too successful, talented, or intelligent in the eyes of their
friends. Sooner or
later these individuals enter the workforce, where things are not much
different. Individuals who are perceived as working too hard are often targeted
for punishment by co-workers. When employees become
supervisors, foremen or crew leaders these challenges are compounded. As
supervisors, such individuals seek the approval of subordinates rather than
their own supervisor. Even
though the boss might clearly explain why a task needs to be done a certain
way, when it comes time to explain it to the workers, this supervisor is more
likely to just blame the change on management. I like to call such behaviors
the accommodating syndrome. These
supervisors want to be seen as one of the gang: to be liked by the subordinates.
When a person decides to favor subordinates without regard to the situation,
sooner rather than later she will hurt the enterprise. Such is the case, for
instance, when she looks the other way at poor quality work. Or,
when his lack of loyalty is an example for all to follow. Supervisors
who yield to the pressures of the accommodating syndrome may be surprised to
find out that in the long run they end up loosing the respect of both the boss
as well as the employees they manage. Not
for a moment am I suggesting that supervisors should only be concerned with the
needs of the enterprise without regard to the employees. Such individuals are
often autocratic and self-serving, prone to abuse of power and authority. They
are willing to climb the organizational ladder at the expense of those they
step over. Sometimes they work very fast to impress those in management, but
then cannot sustain the pace they have set for themselves. Their loyalty is to
themselves. It is not surprising that supervisors who
only look at their own needs, or those of management, are greatly detested by
employees. Instead,
what is needed is a supervisor who carefully seeks to understand the needs of
both management and workers. It is clear to such individuals that effective
policies must benefit both the enterprise and the employees if they are to be
sustainable. This supervisor is loyal to both the worker and the organization.
He is kind but firm—and above all, fair, honest, and full of integrity. Such a
person is not afraid to take chances and help management or employees
understand the valid concerns the other may have. This
foreman or crew leader does not take pleasure in the authority she has.
Sometimes she will have to take flack from employees. With time subordinates
will often come around and not only recognize that she acted fairly, but even
defend her even when she is not around. Certainly, it takes time and effort to
become such a supervisor. The good news is that at least some supervisors are
able to leave behind the ugliness of the accommodating syndrome. If you have
found such an individual among those who work for you, it is worth going out of
the way to retain him. © 2006 by The Regents of the
University of California and Gregorio Billikopf |
11 July 2006