Welcome to the Wang Lab…

We study patterns of biodiversity and the ecological and evolutionary processes that generate them. We are particularly interested in understanding how geographic and environmental variation shape spatial patterns of genetic and morphological variation. Most of our projects focus on fine spatial and temporal scales, typically examining landscape-level variation over recent timescales either within species or between closely related species, but some of our work covers broader scales and higher taxonomic levels as well. We are broadly interested in landscape genetics, ecological and evolutionary genomics, phylogeography, phenotypic evolution, and adaptive radiation. In all areas, we seek to integrate genetic, ecological, and landscape data, using a variety of approaches, to gain a more complete understanding of natural diversity.
We’re a group of like-minded scientists that share a common goal of working to understand patterns and sources of variation in nature. Much of our work is conducted in California, the southwestern US, and the Caribbean, but project sites span the globe. Our typical study systems are amphibians and reptiles, but we have also collaborated on research covering a wide range of species from across the tree of life.
We are also committed to promoting diversity in all its forms, and we view advancing equity and inclusion in science and academia as one of our primary missions.
Interested in joining the lab? Read about our research and info for prospective students.