Ian Wang
Position: Associate Professor
Email: ianwang@berkeley.edu
Phone: 510-664-4684
Office: 311 Hilgard Hall
Research Interests: landscape genetics, phenotypic evolution, spatial analysis, herpetology
Honors & Awards:
2019 CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
2016 Hellman Fellow, Hellman Foundation
2013 Jasper J. Loftus-Hills Young Investigator’s Award, American Society of Naturalists
Recent Publications:
Yuan M.L., Wake M.H., and Wang I.J. (2019) Phenotypic integration between claw and toepad traits promotes microhabitat specialization in the Anolis adaptive radiation. Evolution, 73: 231-244. [pdf]
Gray L.N., Barley A.J., Nieto-Montes de Oca A., Poe S., Thomson R.C., and Wang I.J. (2019) Phylogeography of a widespread lizard complex reflects patterns of both geographic and ecological isolation. Molecular Ecology, 28: 644-657. [pdf]
Lourenco A., Antunes B., Wang I.J., and Velo-Anton G. (2018) Fine-scale genetic structure in a salamander with two reproductive modes: does reproductive mode affect dispersal? Evolutionary Ecology, 32:699-732. [pdf]
Yuan M.L. and Wang I.J. (2018) Sodium ion channel alkaloid resistance does not vary with toxicity in aposematic Dendrobates poison frogs: an examination of correlated trait evolution. PLOS One, 13: e0194265. [pdf]
Cao Y.-N., Wang I.J., Chen L.-Y., Ding Y.-Q., Liu L.-X., and Qiu Y.-X. (2018) Inferring spatial patterns and drivers of population divergence of Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae), based on molecular phylogeography and landscape genomics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 126: 162-172. [pdf]
Wogan G.O.U. and Wang I.J. (2018) The value of space-for-time substitution for studying fine-scale microevolutionary processes. Ecography.
Yuan M.L., Wogan G.O.U., and Wang I.J. (2018) Trehalose improves PCR amplification of vertebrate nuclear DNA from historical allozymes. Conservation Genetics Resources. doi: 10.1007/s12686-017-0811-4
Glassman S.I., Wang I.J., and Bruns T.D. (2017) Environmental filtering by pH and soil nutrients drives community assembly in fungi at fine spatial scales. Molecular Ecology, 26: 6960-6973.
Xu B., Sun G., Wang X., Lu J., Wang I.J.*, Wang Z.* (2017) Population genetic structure is shaped by historical, geographic, and environmental factors in the leguminous shrub Caragana microphylla on the Inner Mongolia Plateau of China. BMC Plant Biology, 17: 200. doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-1147-7 [* Indicates co-senior authorship.]
Wang I.J., Brenner J.C., and Butsic V. (2017) Cannabis, an emerging agricultural crop leads to deforestation and fragmentation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 15: 495-501.
Balkenhol N., Dudaniec R.Y., Krutovsky K.V., Johnson J.S., Cairns D.M., Segelbacher G., Selkoe K., von der Heyden S., Wang I.J., Selmoni O., and Joost S. (2017) Landscape genomics: understanding relationships between environmental heterogeneity and genomic characteristics of populations. in Rajora O.P. (Ed.) Population Genomics (pp.XX-XX). New York: Springer.
Wang I.J. and Shaffer H.B. (2017) Population genetic and field-ecological analyses return similar estimates of dispersal over space and time in an endangered amphibian. Evolutionary Applications, 10: 630-639.
Lourenco A., Alvarez D., Wang I.J., and Velo-Anton G. (2017) Trapped within the city: integrating demography, time since isolation and population-specific traits to assess the genetic effects of urbanization. Molecular Ecology, 26: 1498-1514.
Zhang Y.-H., Wang I.J., Comes H.P., Peng H., Qiu Y.-X. (2016) Contributions of historical and contemporary geographic and environmental factors to phylogeographic structure in a Tertiary relict species, Emmenopterys henryi (Rubiaceae). Scientific Reports, 6: 24041. doi: 10.1038/srep24041
Richardson J.L., Brady S.P., Wang I.J., Spear S.F. (2016) Navigating the pitfalls and promise of landscape genetics. Molecular Ecology, 25: 849-863.