Homeward Bound, Mar. 5-18

    The time had come to head north.   We returned to Corozal, depositing Phil Sellers at the airport on the way, and on March 5 we started back to the United States.  Suddenly our rich and leisurely experience in Belize became a rush of ever new campgrounds stretching up the Gulf of Mexico.  We caught our breath at four longer stopovers interspersed with three one-night stands.

    In the coastal mountains south of Veracruz, we enjoyed two days of good birding and delightful surroundings at Catemaco's lakeside Playa Azul resort.  Pictured below at our potluck dinner on the lakeside terrace are (clockwise from left) Charlie, Woody & Gwen Woodhouse, Marianne Gentemann (obscured) & Ray Hillesheim, Lee & Pat Yoder.

    A free day at the seaside Hotel Mocambo's RV park in Veracruz afforded urban amenities and birding in the nearby marshlands.

    Visiting the El Tajin ruins entailed stopping a second night at the Costa Esmeralda.  As pictured below, Shari got us started before dawn for El Tajin.

Isla Aguada, Cam., Mar. 5 (F) Agua Dulce, Tab., Mar. 6 (F) Catemaco, Ver., Mar. 7-9 (F)

Veracruz, Ver., Mar. 10-11 (F) Costa Esmeralda, Ver., Mar. 12-13 (H) Hotel near Tampico, Tam., Mar. 14 (F)

    A two-day final stop at La Pesca, Tam., March 15-17, allowed us to exchange farewells, to gird ourselves for re-entry, and to get a last shot at Mexican birding.  Here we enjoyed an omelet lunch laid on by Shari and a farewell fandango with special activities and presentations orchestrated by Pat Yoder.

Last campground (H) Last party (H) Thanks for looking in! (F)

    For better or worse, we were now back to ------


The Land of the Free?

    Initials appended to photos indicate copyright (2003) by (F) Bert Frenz and (H) Dan and Sue Hertz.

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