Developed by Curtis Ewing:

High elevation sampling areas
The high elevation forests are herein divided into 6 hypothesized areas based on exposure to southeasterly  trade winds, trail access, and narrow or low points along the backbone ridge. Toheia summit is designated zone 3:T but should be considered a unique biotic zone. Collection effort will be initially guided by these designations and then subsequently adjusted based on empirical results relating to biogeographic isolation. The designation of the borders between the zones will be discussed below.

ZONE 1: Northwest, Arepae to Atiati.
            This is a large area that is largely screened from direct action of the SE tradewinds. The southeast border with zone 2 is placed at a low point on the ridge that has a clearly designated trail. Access along the backbone from this trail to the northwest into zone 1is pathless but it should be possible to move either along the ridge or along the slopes below.

A: Arapae,  could be accessible from either Tunahe or Vaiopiro valleys.
B: Parata ridge, also from north shore valleys.
C: This is a long stretch of ridge, could be accessible in the north from valleys or from along the ridge from trail at G.
D: “Moua769” lower slope accessible from either the ridge or from roads at north end of trail at G. Summit is candidate for Helicopter Drop.
E: Lower slopes of “Moua769”, See D.
F: Easily? accessible along ridge from trail at G.
G: Along established path.

ZONE 2: Central, Mouapu to Tamarutoota and ridges to the south.
            From Mouapu in the west (H, I, J, K) to three coconuts at O and Q in the northeast and southeast respectively the ridges and lower slopes should all be easily accessible. The higher elevation areas will not be accessible.

H: Mid elevation and should be easily accessible.
I: Mid elevation and should be easily accessible.
J: Mid elevation and should be easily accessible.
K: About 600m on slopes of Mouapu, will be a challenge to access.
L: Side ridge to south of inaccessible Mouaroa should not be a problem, Mouaroa  candidate for Helicopter Drop.
M: Well trailed area to west of three coconuts.
N: Ridge to south of three coconuts, should not be a problem.
O: Slopes to northwest of Toheia, access probably only to 300 – 400 m.
P: Slopes and ridge to south of Tohiea, should be accessible.
Q: Slope to south of Tamarutoota, probably not accessible, candidate for Helicopter Drop.

ZONE 3: Tohiea and ridges to east

R: Low and mid elevations with trail along north side of Hiri Valley.
S: Low and mid elevation without trail along south side Hiri Valley, should be accessible.
T: Summit area of Tohiea to narrow col, has trail and hanging valleys along way. Summit area by Helicopter Drop.

ZONE 4: East central, Tepetiri to Mouaputa and Puuroa

U: Ridge to south of Mouaputa, questionable access along ridge.
V: Established trail to Mouaputa.
W: Ridge to east of Mouaputa, questionable access along ridge.

ZONE 5: Northeast, Farataupoo to Moaru

X: Ridge north from Mouaputa to Farataupoo, should be accessible though no trails are known.
Y: Mid elevation north slope of ridge between Tearai and Moaru accessible to 500M plus, some trails may exist. Summit narrow and extremely steep, assumed to be no foot access to Tearai, candidate for Helicopter Drop though it may be too narrow even for that. Moaru may be accessible from the east at head of Teavaro Valley.

ZONE 6: North central, Rotui

Z: Well established trail
AA: It may be possible to sample some valleys to east using ropes to get from ridge to slope.