Spheterista Meyrick, 1912 (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Archipini)

This endemic genus has 17 named species in Hawaii (several more exist in collections). This is one of five genera (Spheterista, Epiphyas, Eccoptocera, Strepsicrates, Epinotia) in Hawaii where the males have costal folds along the forewing; and one of two genera (Spheterista, Eccoptocera) where forewing veins 7 and 8 (R5 and R4) are fused for a distance from the cell before separating (Eccoptocera lacks vein 6 (R2+3) in the forewing).

Spheterista argentinotata (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista cassia (Swezey, 1912)
Spheterista flavocincta (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista flavopicta (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista fulva (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista glaucoviridana (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista infausta (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista ochreocuprea (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista oheoheana (Swezey, 1933)
Spheterista pernitida (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista pleonectes (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista pterotropiana (Swezey, 1933)
Spheterista reynoldsiana (Swezey, 1920)
Spheterista tetraplasandra (Swezey, 1920)
Spheterista urerana (Swezey, 1915)
Spheterista variabilis (Walsingham, 1907)
Spheterista xanthogona (Walsingham, 1907)

Spheterista xanthogona

Spheterista argentinotata (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Hawaii
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Known from only two females.




No Image Available

Spheterista cassia (Swezey, 1912)
Islands: Oahu
Hostplants: Cassia gaudichaudii (Fabaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Leafrolling larvae feed on the lower surfaces of leaves and are parasitized by Sierola spp. (Bethylidae)

Kaena Point, Oahu 1910

Spheterista flavocincta (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Oahu, Hawaii (and probably islands in between)
Hostplants: Santalum spp. (Santalaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Leaf feeder. Parasitized by Trathala flavoorbitalis (Ichneumonidae). Color patterns are variable which has lead to various names for color morphs.

Diamond Head, Oahu 19??

Spheterista flavopicta (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: Santalum spp. (Santalaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Closely allied to S. flavocincta.

Kokee, Kauai 1937

Spheterista fulva (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Similar to S. ochreocuprea, but with hindwings uniformly darker.




No Image Available

Spheterista glaucoviridana (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Known only from female holotype.

Kokee, Kauai 1982 (ID not confirmed)

Spheterista infaustana (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, Hawaii
Hostplants: Pipturus spp. (Urticaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Leaf-webbing larvae skeletonize leaves (may also be found in dead twigs?). Parasitized by Diadegma blackburni, Prisomerus hawaiiensis, Trathala flavoorbitalis (Ichneumonidae), and Sierola epagogeana (Bethylidae).

Mt Kaala, Oahu 1922

Spheterista ochreocuprea (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Similar to S. fulva.

Kokee, Kauai 1894 (paratype)

Spheterista oheoheana (Swezey, 1933)
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: Tetraplasandra kauaiensis (Araliaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Larvae and pupae found in dead twigs.

Halemanu, Kauai 1932 (paratype; reared from Pterotropia)

Spheterista pernitida (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Hawaii
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Known only from female holotype.




No Image Available

Spheterista pleonectes (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Kauai, Oahu, Hawaii (and probably islands in between)
Hostplants: Cheirodendron gaudichaudii (Araliaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Leaf-webbers. Parasitized by Diadegma blackburni, Pristomerus hawaiiensis (Ichneumonidae), and Trichogramma semifumatum (Trichogrammatidae). Synonymized with S. castaneana & S. asaphopis (Zimmerman, 1978).

Kaumuohana, Oahu 1940? (reared from Cheirodendron)

Spheterista pterotropiana (Swezey, 1933)
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: Tetraplasandra kauaiensis (Araliaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Larvae feed within terminal buds of host plant.

Halemanu, Kauai 1932 (reared from Pterotropia)

Spheterista reynoldsiana (Swezey, 1920)
Islands: Oahu
Hostplants: Reynoldsia sandwicensis (Araliaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Leaf-webber. Parasitized by Brachymeria obscurata, Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscator, and Trathala flavoorbitalis (Ichneumonidae)

Kunia, Oahu 1918 (reared from Reynoldsia)

Spheterista tetraplasandra (Swezey, 1920)
Islands: Oahu
Hostplants: Tetraplasandra spp. (Araliaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Larvae found on fruits and leaves of host plant.

Wailupe, Oahu 1918 (paratype; reared from Tetraplasandra)

Spheterista urerana (Swezey, 1915)
Islands: Oahu
Hostplants: Urera sandwicensis (Urticaceae)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Larvae found in growing tips of host plant.




No Image Available

Spheterista variabilis (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Molokai, Maui
Hostplants: unknown (possibly Cheirodendron)
Status: Endemic
Comments: Possibly a color form of S. pleonectes (Zimmerman, 1978)

4000ft, Molokai 1893 (paratype)

Spheterista xanthogona (Walsingham, 1907)
Islands: Hawaii
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Known only from two females.

Konahuanui,Oahu 1971

Spheterista sp.
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic

Spheterista sp.
Islands: Kauai
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Kokee, Kauai 1981

Spheterista sp.
Islands: Hawaii
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: HAVO, Hawaii 1979

Spheterista sp.
Islands: Maui
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: Kipahulu Valley, Maui 1984

Spheterista sp.
Islands: Molokai
Hostplants: unknown
Status: Endemic
Comments: upper Kawela, Molokai 1981


Swezey OH. 1912. Insects associated with mamake (Pipturus albidus) a native Hawaiian tree. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2:153-163.

Swezey OH. 1915.

Swezey OH. 1920.

Swezey OH. 1933.

Walsingham L. 1907. Microlepidoptera. in Sharp D. (ed.) Fauna Hawaiiensis. Volume 1, Part V. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. pp. 469-759

Zimmerman EC. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Vol.9.1 Microlepidoptera. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. pp. 397-643