8.6.8. Algebraic Operations on Fuzzy Sets


In addition to the operations of union and intersection, one can define a number of other ways of forming combinations of fuzzy sets and relating them to one another.

Algebraic product: Given  and  the algebraic product of  and  denoted by  is defined in terms of the membership functions of  and  ,

f = f · f 

This indicate that    «  .

The algebraic sum of  and  denoted by  +  is defined by

f + = f + f 

provided that 0 ² f + f ² 1

Convex combination of  and  with an arbitrary fuzzy set  denoted by
( ,  ;  ) is defined by

( ,  ;  ) =  +  

written out in terms of membership functions

f( , ; ) (w) = f · f + (1 - f ) · f 

A basic property of the convex combination of  ,  and  is expressed by

A « B (A, B ; L) A » B

Given any fuzzy set  satisfying  «      »  , one can always find a fuzzy set  such that

 = ( ,  ;  ) .

In fact,

f =   for w Œ W .