The Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) program is one of many ways Rausser undergraduates can gain research experience. SPUR helps students find opportunities to participate in studies with world renowned faculty and staff researchers in the Rausser College of Natural Resources. SPUR facilitates application to labs interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers. Once a lab selects a student, the student enrolls in research units and is mentored by lab researchers. Click here to see how SPUR has benefited student research and enriched their learning. Click here to a video of past student experiences with SPUR and tips for your application.

Students may participate in the SPUR program by applying to a faculty-initiated project or by creating a student-initiated project. Faculty may participate by submitting a faculty-initiated project in which undergraduate researchers can gain useful research experience. The program welcomes students of all levels of research experience. Limited funds are available to defray lab expenses for equipment and supplies.

Junior and senior students who have identified a project or topic that they would like to pursue, and can find a Rausser College faculty mentor to mentor them, may apply for a Rausser College student-initiated SPUR project. Students enroll in research units (199S). Limit funds are available to defray research expenses for equipment and supplies.

SPUR enhances student scholarship and provides participants with invaluable skills and research experience by putting faculty labs and interested undergraduates in touch, and when available, offering funds for defraying some research expenses.

Questions? Please email for assistance.