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- Plant Physiological Ecology (IB 151/151L)
This course focuses on a survey of physiological approaches to understanding plant-environment interactions from the functional perspective. Lectures cover physiological adaptation; limiting factors; resources acquisition/allocation; photosynthesis, carbon, energy balance; water use and relations; nutrient relations; linking physiology; stable isotope applications in ecophysiology; stress physiology; life history and physiology; evolution of physiological performance; physiology population, community, and ecosystem levels.
Instructor: Todd E. Dawson.
Offered every other spring in odd-numbered years. Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
- Training in Stable Isotope Methods and Mass Spectrometry (IB 400)
An intensive, 6-7 week, lecture and laboratory training course focused on the fundamental principles and practical applications of stable isotope methods in biogeochemistry, ecology, physiology, hydrology and environmental science. Topics covered are the fundamental of isotope chemistry, sample preparation for isotope analyses, operating an isotope ratio mass spectrometer and optically-based isotope instrument, quality assurance & control, and the analysis and appropriate correction of stable isotope data. This course is required for all students interested in using the facilities housed in the Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry for their research.
Instructors: Todd E. Dawson
Fall semester each year, once a week for two hours for 6 or 7 weeks (contact the lab staff for specific dates and times).
- Stable Isotope Ecology (IB C227)
A graduate-level lecture and laboratory course that focuses on principles and applications of stable isotope chemistry as applied to the broad science of ecology. Lecture topics include principles of isotope behavior and chemistry in natural systems, isotope measurements in the context of terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecological processes and problems and the broad application of isotopes in ecological and biogeochemical investigations. Students participate in a set of laboratory exercises involving the preparation of samples of their choice for isotopic analyses, the use of the mass spectrometer and optical analysis systems, and the analysis of data.
Instructors: Todd E. Dawson, Stefania Mambelli.
Spring semester in alternate years, lecture twice a week and laboratory once a week. Also listed as Earth and Planetary Science C241 and Environmental Science, Policy, and Management C220.
- “IsoTopics” (IB C226)
A graduate-level seminar that explores current topics that employ (or could) the use of stable isotopes to a wide range of topical areas in ecology and the biogeosciences. Discussion topics have included topics selected for areas of plant and animal biology, ecology, paleontology, biogeochemistry, soil science, and atmospheric science. Students are required to lead at least one discussion of relevant literature in the selected topic area.
Instructors: Todd E. Dawson, Stefania Mambelli.
Fall semester each year, once a week for two hours. Also listed as Environmental Science, Policy, and Management C225.