Gregory Arena
Graduate StudentDepartment: Graduate Students

How leaves, roots, or branch architecture cope with water limitation, sun exposure, heat stress and a myriad of other variables are central to my investigation. Through examination of the mechanisms that underlie plant life, I am fascinated by the implications of plant physiology in a context of broader ecosystem response to disturbance and succession. With a background in natural resource management, I am interested in questions that can inspire solutions for those challenges facing the environment and rural spaces. Recognizing the importance that data-driven land management can have on the health of our plant and species, I see the connectivity between research and society as instrumental for our brightest future.
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Curriculum vitae:
August 2020—Present: Graduate Student, Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley.
August 2019—March 2020: Range Technician, Point Reyes National Seashore Association.
February 2017—August 2019: Restoration Technician, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Summer—Fall 2016: Contracted field botanist for University Coöperative Extension, Sonoma & Napa Counties.
Spring 2016: BA in Biology & Forestry, University of California, Berkeley
Arena, Gregory. (2019). “Impacts of Coastal Scrub on the Diversity of Introduced and Native Grass in Southwestern Marin County.” Grasslands 29(4): 12-16.
Conference Presentations:
Arena, Gregory. (2019, September 5). More Than Just Grass. Presentation Session—Measuring & Monitoring Change: Trends over time. San Francisco Bay Area National Parks 2019 Science and Natural Resources Symposium, San Francisco.
Arena, Gregory. (2018) “A future of Meadows in Southwestern Marin County.” Division of Natural Resources, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Department of the Interior.