

Berkeley Freshwater includes faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and research assistants associated with labs of Drs. Stephanie Carlson, Albert Ruhi, and Ted Grantham in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at UC Berkeley.          

Fish swimming underwter


Our research aims to inform solutions to global water challenges that sustain biodiversity, satisfy human needs, and promote environmental stewardship.


  • Giant water bugs, river drying, and cross-ecosystem linkages
    Former Ruhi lab undergraduate Amin al-Jamal has published a new paper in Ecology: Aquatic top predator prefers terrestrial prey in an intermittent stream! Meet the belostomatid giant water bug Abedus indentatus, the dominant predator in fishless sections of Chalone Creek, Pinnacles National Park, California. Despite living in the water, the study found that water bugs seem to prefer
  • Kendall Archie to begin his MS at Cal Poly Humboldt
    Congratulations to Ruhi Lab manager Kendall Archie on his new position as a Masters student at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. Kendall will be advised by Alison O’Dowd and is joining a project that seeks to understand the food web responses associated with the Trinity River. Kendall is bringing his benthic macroinvertebrate expertise up north and will
  • New paper in Ecology Letters
    Congratulations to postdoc Robert Fournier on the publication of the paper “Long‐term data reveal widespread phenological change across major US estuarine food webs“. Using long-term biomonitoring data, we examined climate-driven phenological shifts within and across food webs in the San Francisco, Chesapeake, and Massachusetts Bay estuaries. Are food webs at risk of tropic mismatch &
  • Trip to see coho salmon in Lagunitas Creek!
    Berkeley Freshwater went on an amazing trip to Lagunitas Creek to watch coho spawn on the central California coast. We watched coho leap over waterfalls, spar with each other, build their redds, and spawn. Best of luck as they continue their journeys upstream!
  • We attended AGU in Washington, DC
    Members of Berkeley Freshwater recently attended the Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Washington, DC! Ted Grantham, Wietske Medema, and Sooyeon Yi represented their COEQWAL (COllaboratory for EQuity in Water Allocations) project. Ted presented an overview of the collaboratory and its goals, Sooyeon shared her work modeling functional environmental flows in California’s Central Valley,