Welcome to Emily Chen!

Emily Chen is a new grad student in the #BerkeleyFreshwater group. Emily completed her master’s thesis in the Dept. of Fisheries at Humboldt State, where she explored how Chinook salmon use the Redwood Creek lagoon, using a combination of mark-recapture and otolith microstructural analyses. For her dissertation research, Emily plans to shift her attention inland to focus on winter-run Chinook and, in particular, asking if hatchery fish are good surrogates for wild fish in management models.

Welcome to Rachael Ryan!

Rachael Ryan is a new grad student in the #BerkeleyFreshwater group, and will be co-advised by Stephanie and Ted. Rachael plans to explore the influence of climatic variation and habitat mosaics on distribution, abundance, and diversity of coho salmon in the Lagunitas Watershed, in west Marin. Stay tuned for updates!