How Much Water Does Cannabis Use?

Our new paper in the Journal of Environmental Management, led by Dr. Chris Dillis, explores seasonal patterns of water use by cannabis in Northern California. Read the paper here!                                     

Water Use vs. Water Extraction. Overall monthly water use estimates (A) are plotted along with monthly water extraction estimates, based on source type and storage type (B–D). Model estimates are provided for median farm size (cultivation area = 1098 m2). Dashed lines depict 95% confidence intervals for the mean estimate. Farms reporting aseasonal water sources in combination with ponds for storage are omitted from this figure as they represented less than 2% of all observations.

Biodiversity benefits of restoring wetlands

Hi! I am Zhenhua Sun, visiting Ph.D. student in the lab. During my stay I have been gathering data on water quality and macroinvertebrate community composition in ponds and wetlands across the globe. Our study areas and collaborators span Argentina, Canada, France, Ireland, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the US!

In particular, we are asking whether natural, agricultural, and highway ponds differ in the contributions they make to landscape-scale biodiversity. In turn, this could in stormwater pond design, so that these elements of green infrastructure maximize ecosystem benefits.

Stay tuned for a forthcoming paper on the topic!

Updates – Sept & Oct 2019

More soon! 🙂