Join the Group!

The Berkeley Freshwater group welcomes inquiries from prospective undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars. We run joint lab meetings, hold professional development workshops, share space, and work collaboratively to address management and conservation issues surrounding California’s aquatic ecosystems. In joining any one lab group, individuals will be joining the broader Berkeley Freshwater community. Please look to the individual PI websites for opportunities to join particular labs, or consider contacting us with a CV and a brief description of your research interests.

Graduate Students

Interested graduate students may apply to join our group through the doctoral program of the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. Graduate students may be accepted into individual labs or jointly advised. We encourage all interested applicants to reach out directly to the PIs of the Freshwater group to discuss interests, potential projects, and funding opportunities (e.g., NSF-GRF, Delta Science Fellowship, California Sea Grant Fellowship).

Postdoctoral Researchers and Fellows

We regularly recruit postdoctoral researchers through our extramural grants. Funding opportunities for postdoctoral fellows also include the UC Berkeley’s Miller Fellowship, UC’s President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSF, Smith Fellowship, and the Delta Science Fellowship Program, among others. 

Visiting Scholars

If you have an idea for a short research stay or sabbatical, please send us an email describing your project and how you foresee yourself working with the group.