Charlotte Evangélista

Charlotte Evangélista

Visiting postdoc
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I am a freshwater ecologist with a research background on functional and trait-based ecology. My  research focuses on the consequences of intraspecific variability for the higher levels of biological organization. I am particularly interested in how human activities modulate trait variability within species, and from there, key ecosystem functions. I use a combination of fieldwork and experimental approaches. I am currently working within the international lab “MacLife” with Albert Ruhi, Stephanie Carlson, and Mathieu Buoro (INRAE, France). My project examines the effects of drought on predator-prey interactions, benthic invertebrate community composition, and fluxes of emerging aquatic insects that fuel terrestrial food webs. While my previous work focused on single species, I am excited to integrate the concept of intraspecific diversity in community-level research.