Philip Georgakakos
Postdoctoral ReseacherView all Current Lab Members, Grantham Lab
I am a river ecologist, focused on how environmental conditions influence species distributions and organismal interactions, with an emphasis on freshwater and anadromous fishes. Since 2013 I have studied threats to native aquatic biodiversity in the Eel River. Currently, I have ongoing projects studying the impacts of non-native predatory Sacramento Pikeminnow, monitoring the fish assemblage in the South Fork Eel headwaters, and investigating potential impacts of water extraction for cannabis cultivation. I’m privileged to collaborate with a broad group of individuals and entities that include NGO’s, non-profits, government regulators and scientists, academics, and native American tribes. I strongly feel successful management and useful science requires diverse perspectives, and collaborations can result in fruitful and supportive coalitions of people more effective than individuals. In my collaborations, I contribute a community ecology perspective and try to use natural history to build context as we work towards conserving and restoring our freshwater habitats.