Sudden Oak Death Blitzes 2021
New Format Due to Covid-19
- Training (30 minutes) and sign-up (5 minutes) have to be done online at before collecting the sampling materials at the SOD Blitz Stations in the locations specified below. Please sign up before you start the survey, and preferably when you take the online training.
- Once at your local SOD Blitz Station you can pick up one or two collection packets following the social distancing rules of the State of California clearly specified in the online training. Stay at least 6 feet from other collectors. Each packet allows you to sample 10 trees. Do not take more unless you talked to the organizer.
- Make sure you have downloaded the free App “SODmap Mobile” to determine the exact location of the trees you sample, before you start the survey.
- Each Blitz has a start and an end date, including the hour. You can pick up materials at the start time and you have to return your samples and any unused collection materials by the end date and cutoff time.
- You can sample private properties with the owner’s permission, alongside public roads and in parks or open spaces that are open to the public.
- Any questions? Email your local organizer, please. Thank you so much for your participation.
Unless otherwise noted
- SOD Blitzes are Saturday to Tuesday
- Each Blitz Station will be manned only on Saturday 10-11 am. All other times are Self Service.
- Samples must be returned by the following Tuesday at 6 pm.
- Follow the guidelines posted at the SOD Blitz station.
4/10- 4/13 Napa
SOD Blitz Station located in the front porch of the Napa County Agriculture Commissioners Office Building, 1710 Soscol Avenue, Napa. Station will be manned 10-11 am on Saturday.
Contact: Bill Pramuk
4/17 – 4/19 Saratoga & Skyline
- SARATOGA SOD Blitz Station located on the left of the entrance of the Montalvo Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga CA (See map below)

Contact: Ann Northrup
MidPen Open Space Contact: Coty Sifuentes
2. SOUTH SKYLINE SOD Blitz Station located on the rear Side of the Saratoga Summit Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire) CDF fire station. 12900 Skyline Blvd, Los Gatos, CA.
Contact: Jane Manning
MidPen Open Space Contact: Coty Sifuentes
4/23 – 4/24 Santa Lucia Preserve
(For local residents only)
Contact: Christy Wyckoff
4/24 – 4/27 Santa Cruz
SOD Blitz Station at the front gate of the UCSC Arboretum. 1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA 95064. Location: Google Map LINK and coordinates. 36°58’55.1″N 122°03’40.8″W
Contacts: Jon Detka & Brett Hall
4/30 – 5/4 Carmel Valley, Big Sur, and Monterey
SOD Blitz Station located in front of Palo Corona Discovery Center (part of the Monterey Pe ninsula Regional Park District) 4860 Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA 93923
Contacts: Kerri Frangioso
Justin Prouty
4/30 – 5/4 Sonoma and Kashia Blitzes
This is a bilingual event / Este es un evento bilingue
Más información para el SOD Blitz en español
DO NOT return packets with samples to Blitz Station, but instead mail them to U.C. Berkeley using the preprinted mail labels and postage included in each packet.
1) Zoom event Friday, April 30th at 6pm, in partnership with Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry
2) Pick up packets Saturday, May 1st from 10:30am-12:30pm at the UCCE Sonoma County Office (133 Aviation Blvd Suite 109, Santa Rosa, CA 95403), or have them mailed to you
3) Kashia Pomo tribal lands (private group)
Register (required) and learn more about the 2021 SOD Blitz in Sonoma County
Contact Kerry Wininger at for more information
5/1 – 5/9 Burlingame Hills and North Peninsula
Contact: Steve Epstein
5/8 – 5/11 Marin
SOD Blitz Station located at Dominican University, outside the main entrance to the Science Building, 155 Palm Avenue, San Rafael. (Please approach via Acacia Avenue: walk through a little park and cross over a wooden bridge)
Contacts: Wolfgang Schweigkofler
CNPS Marin Kristin Jakob
5/8 – 5/11 East Bay – Orinda and UC Berkeley
- ORINDA, Pick up and drop off at Orinda Library 26 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA. You can get there by going around the building, either from the plaza, go up the stairs, between the old Community Center (on the left) and Library (on the right), then around the back of the Library building or from the library’s outside parking lot at the other end of the building (toward Hwy 24); either puts you on the asphalt that goes along the back of the library to the open seating area where the bins are against the wall
Contact: Bill Hudson
2. UC BERKELEY, SOD Blitz Pickup/Drop-Off Point, West Crescent Parking Kiosk, Berkeley, CA
Pick up collection packets anytime on Sat 5/8 – Please drop off by midnight on Tues 5/12
Link to Location on Google Maps

Doug Schmidt
5/10 – 5/12 San Francisco Presidio and SFPUC
SOD Blitz Station located at the middle entry gate to Golden Gate Park Nursery, See map below

Contacts : Iribarne, David
Conforti Christa:
Mia Ingolia,
5/14 – 5/18 Peninsula
Portola Valley SOD Blitz Station will be located on the Historic Schoolhouse porch, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley
Woodside SOD Blitz Station will be located between Independence Hall and Town Hall, look for the signs out in front.
Los Altos Hills Blitz Station will be located in front of the Town Hall Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Rd.
Contacts: Debbie Mendelson
LAH: Sue Welch
MidPen Open Space: Coty Sifuentes
Emerald Hills: Rochelle Kopp
Fioli: Haley O’connor
5/15 – 5/18 San Luis Obispo Blitzes
SOD Blitz Station in front of the SLO County Department of Agriculture, 350 N Main St, Templeton, CA

SOD Blitz Station in front of the SLO County Department of Agriculture, 2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo, CA.

Contacts: Kim Corella
Cindy Roessler
Drug manufacturers that do not agree to comply with the negotiations will be subject to civil penalties and excise taxes; – providing inflation rebates for prescription drugs. The law requires drug manufacturers to provide Medicare rebates for brand-name tax-free faast pharmacy online drugs whose price increases outpace the rate of inflation.
5/17- 5/24 Karuk
Location To be announced private event, Orleans, CA
Contact: Heather Rickard
5/29 – 5/30 Mendocino County
Please do not return packets with samples to Blitz Station. Mail them to U.C. Berkeley using the preprinted labels and postage included in each packet.
SOD Blitz Station will be in front of the Garden Store of the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 18220 North Highway 1, Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Contacts: Mario Abreu
6/5 – 6/12 North Coast, Humboldt & Del Norte
Location to be announced
Contacts: Chris Lee
Yana Valachovic