Thinking in Terms of Supply Chains Rather Than Individual Markets

Zilberman, David, Thomas Reardon, Joseph Cooper and Sadie Shoemaker

from ARE Update Vol. 26, No. 4, Mar/Apr, 2023

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Analysis of agri-food systems should recognize that modern systems benefit from high innovation rates. Multi-tiered supply chains commercialize innovations. The supply chains for innovation and the product supply chains are interdependent and co-evolving. We analyze the behavior of these supply chains using an example. Increasing investment in agricultural research and developing credit lines to implement agricultural innovation can increase the social benefit of the agri-food system.


Innovation, agribusiness, market power, vertical integration, contracting


Zilberman, David, Thomas Reardon, Joseph Cooper and Sadie Shoemaker. 2023. "Thinking in Terms of Supply Chains Rather Than Individual Markets." ARE Update 26(4): 4-8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.