Economic and Pest Management Evaluation of the Proposed Regulation of Nitroguanidine-Substituted Neonicotinoid Insecticides: Six Major California Commodities

Zheng, Yanan, Rachael Goodhue, Kevi Claire Mace-Hill, Jess Rudder, Tor Tolhurst, Daniel Tregeagle, Hanlin Wei, Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Ian Grettenberger, Houston Wilson, Robert Van Steenwyk, Frank Zalom, Monique Rivera and John Steggall

from ARE Update Vol. 26, No. 6, Jul/Aug, 2023

View Article PDF: Economic and Pest Management Evaluation of the Proposed Regulation of Nitroguanidine-Substituted Neonicotinoid Insecticides: Six Major California Commodities


The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) will implement a regulation restricting the use of nitroguanidine-substituted neonicotinoid (NGN) insecticides on January 1, 2024. Developed to protect managed pollinators, the regulation includes three key features: 1) timing restrictions, 2) cumulative per-season use rate restrictions when multiple NGNs are used, and 3) use restrictions on individual NGNs for crops deemed highly attractive to bees. Using economic data and pesticide use data from 2017–2019, we analyze the potential economic impact of the final draft of the regulation based on the net return losses for six crops: almond, citrus, cotton, grape, strawberry, and tomato. If the regulation had been in effect, the annual net return losses for the six crops considered would have ranged from $12.137 million in 2019 to $13.316 million in 2017.


Managed pollinators, honeybees, clothianidin, dinotefuran, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam


Zheng, Yanan, Rachael Goodhue, Kevi Claire Mace-Hill, Jess Rudder, Tor Tolhurst, Daniel Tregeagle, Hanlin Wei, Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Ian Grettenberger, Houston Wilson, Robert Van Steenwyk, Frank Zalom, Monique Rivera and John Steggall. 2023. "Economic and Pest Management Evaluation of the Proposed Regulation of Nitroguanidine-Substituted Neonicotinoid Insecticides: Six Major California Commodities." ARE Update 26(6): 9-11. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.