The Alternation of Generations Group Activity guides students in understanding (1) that plant life cycles contain haploid and diploid phases that include multicellular plants, (2) the role of meiosis and fertilization in producing chromosome counts, and (3) that the shape of the basic life cycle has visible structural elements that can be used as waypoints for inferring the order of phases and processes. The content addressed the misunderstanding that meiosis always produces gametes (e.g., as it does in humans); instead, that meiosis always results in a halving of the ploidy level (from diploid to haploid). With fertilization (fusing of two haploid cells to make a diploid cell), meiosis represents a key process in sexual life cycles.
This activity for Bio1B-equivalent courses, focuses on recalling prior knowledge about meiosis and fertilization and include videos about mitosis and meiosis in plant life cycles and alternation of generations; a life cycle arrangement activity that involved moving elements to correct positions; reflection prompts to identify confusing points and generate rules of organization; and a fill-in-the-blank generalized life cycle diagram.
Each activity included assessment of learning using content knowledge questions (Pre- and Post-Activity) and evaluation of the activity (feedback) in Google Forms. Students answer 3 multiple choice questions and a short answer question before the activity, and similar questions after the activity to compare outcomes. Students are also asked to provide feedback to evaluate the activity, group interactions, challenges with the activity, and how they liked participating in the activity.
Activity Files
The activity is formatted in Google Slides. If you’d like to try out the activity, click on the google slides and then Make a Copy to your google drive. Activity files for Instructors is a link to a Google Drive with Instructions to set up the activity. We do not include a public answer key, but you can request one from us using our contact info.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are welcome to use and remix these activities as long as you include attribution to the original author: Social Tools for Bio Team 2022.