UC Berkeley UPMC Test

Meet The UPMC Team


Dr. Vernard Lewis - Team Leader

Vernard Lewis is a Cooperative Extension Specialist in Insect Biology at UC Berkeley, where he received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Entomology. He joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 1990 and specializes in structural insect pests and outreach to the public including k-12 students. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 scientific publications and trade magazine articles and given hundreds of professional and educational presentations.

His current research interests involve developing improved methods of termite detection and nonchemical methods of control. Dr. Lewis has membership in numerous professional societies, including being the acting chair for the United Nations expert termite group.


Robin Tabuchi - Lab Manager

Robin graduated with a B.S. in Entomology from UC Davis. After graduating, she worked for Dr. Michael Haverty at the USDA Forest Service. In 2006, she started working for UC Berkeley as lab manager for Dr. Vernard Lewis.

Robin studies a wide array of insect pests including subterranean termites, drywood termites, bed bugs, and argentine ants. Robin supervises student workers, maintains computer and lab equipment, and provides training to both staff and pest management professionals.

Contact Robin: rtabuchi@berkeley.edu


Sara Moore - Research Assistant

Sara graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Molecular Environmental Biology, emphasizing in biodiversity. She studied molecular approaches to environmental problem solving. She began working in the Lewis Lab in June of 2006 as a student, and now works as a research assistant.

Sara's duties in the lab are varied. She evaluates x-ray, microwave, and infrared technologies for termite detection. She is in charge of executing protocol objectives: installing and checking protocols, data collection and maintenance, and preliminary data and statistical analysis.

Contact Sara: saramoore@berkeley.edu


Lori Nelson - Biological Science Technician

Lori is a technician for the USDA Forest Service, researching the chemical ecology of forest insects. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a BS in Bioresource Sciences. She has worked with Dr. Michael Haverty for many years, studying chemotaxonomy and ecology of termites, bark beetles and other forest and urban insect pests. She conducts chemical analysis of insect and plant-produced compounds using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, providing insight into the interrelationships of forest ecosystems.

Contact Lori: lnelson@fs.fed.us


Dr. Michael Haverty - Visiting Researcher

Dr. Haverty serves the UC Berkeley UPMC as a resident mentor and editor to the laboratory staff. He and Dr. Lewis have collaborated on nine grants and cooperative agreements generating over $650,000 over nearly 20 years. They have co-authored 19 publications thus far.

Dr. Haverty received his B.S. in Zoology from UC Davis and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Arizona. From 1975 until 2005 he was a research entomologist and project leader with the USDA Forest Service. After his retirement he continued working as an emeritus scientist with the USDA Forest Service. In addition, he holds a courtesy position of Visiting Researcher at UC Berkeley. Recently he was appointed as an Adjunct Scientist in the Department of Entomology at the University of Arizona. His specialty is the biology, ecology, behavior, chemical taxonomy, and control of termites. He has authored over 140 scientific papers on termites and forest insects and given over 150 presentations at scientific meetings, as well as professional training sessions.

His current research interests involve the diversity of termites in North America and Hawaii, biology and ecology of subterranean termites, and evaluation of bait technology as a means of controlling subterranean termites and protecting wooden structures. Dr. Haverty served as the instructor for a structural pest control course for UC Extension from 1981-1995. He was the organizer of the William L. and Ruth D. Nutting Graduate Research Award for Basic Research in Termite Biology under the auspices of the North American Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, and chairs the selection committee. He is one of the founding members of the United Nations-sponsored Global Termite Expert Group. He is using his 40 years of post-graduate experience as a consultant and expert witness for issues involving wood-destroying insects, especially termites, in the Pacific Southwest region of North America.

Contact Mike: mhaverty@berkeley.edu, or visit his consulting website